March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Comparing Store Bought Bagged Soils to Find The Best One for Your Needs

In this episode, we are comparing some popular options of bagged garden soils to find the best one for your specific gardening application. This will prevent you from overspending, or underspending on garden soil and selling yourself short. We will also go through which bagged soils work best with each application and why.
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Comparing Store Bought Bagged Soils to Find The Best One for Your Needs

  1. Pretty soon i will be tilling an acre for a larger scale garden so far top soil and horse manure has worked fine but i cant get an acre of manure so il use what i got and get some pete moss and perlite to aid the clay soil and maybe some trifecta plus.

  2. The only thing from Miracle Grow I like are their indoor plant bottled nutrients ! the ones that come with the pump already! They are not like the crazy high NPK regular MG, it’s very diluted … Like the blooming food is 0.5-1-0.5 with only 3 ingredients and low salt content compared to regular MG.. I like to use their blooming food to give seedlings a quick phosphorus boost!

  3. Be careful with mixes that contain “forest product”, I’ve got a bag half filled with sticks that were up to 3 inches long and some green hard plastic.

  4. I peat moss in my pots, and add potting soil to the top.
    I only till the top soil every year, and add some fertilizer.
    For the ground soil i just till it and add fertilizer, i don't add any soil.
    I do add some dead plants in the ground soil.
    Also anything like leaves that fall from the trees and the old plants i planted last year is in the garden.
    The plants i add to the garden are things like old apples, lettuce parts not used in salads.
    I would rather put plants many people put in the trash into my garden.
    I also think after the soil in the pots become so destroyed, can put it into the soil of the ground garden and till it in.
    Then can start over with new potting soils into the above ground pots.

  5. People have used plastic water bottles(with lids on) to take up space in big containers. I haven't. I have used 3" tree limbs but still heavy. Like your method.

  6. Sorry ran on and on had to advance and still did not learn everything! Did not touch on organic soils or Miracle Grow potting mix which killed all my annuals last year compared to what you could get from the garden centres!

  7. I have found the best bagged soil/composts etc. Is out of of Maine called Coast of Maine they use lobster fish and seaweed. I think you'd like it

  8. Don’t waste money on buying potting mix it’s cheaper to make it.

    3cf peat moss 10$
    3 cf compost 8$
    1 cf perlite 8$
    1cf vermiculite 10$
    A bag of garden tone 7$

    Total: 43$. Store in trash cans.

    4, 2cf bags of “premium potting mix (miracle grow)” $56

    By the way, anything ideal for growing marijuana is also ideal for growing anything which grows fruit or flowers, so I don’t see the point of the comment on marijuana. There are no special needs for growing marijuana. If you can grow tomatoes in it you can grow marijuana in it or peppers or pumpkins or whatever they have essentially identical needs.

  9. First of all nothing wrong with cannabis…its been made out to look like a bad thing…second of all the soil it requires just so happens to also be reaaaally good soil for potted fruit trees!! Its great soil in general for anything that makes flowers,seeds, and fruit..including cannabis. Don't hate on the soil just because of that.

  10. For all my cannabis growers, you still should not be spending big cash on bagged soil (rhymes with box barm) cough anyways lol real microbe heavy organics is ALWAYS more affordable

    . I've took 6 different mediums at Lowes: MG raised bed mix, MG moisture control, MG potting mix, MG organics, jungle growth and humus/manure.

    With those mixed together I get: peat moss, alfalfa meal, Forrest compost, Yucca, worm castings, green sand, Coco coir, dolomite lime, kelp meal, poultry litter, horticulture ash, manure, humus, perlite and bone meal.
    Then I'll top dress with bat guano, kelp, blood and bone meal, CalMag, biochar, superThrive, beneficial bacteria and fungi. Npk in the medium is 0.5-0.5-0.5 roughly.

    I'd love your thoughts on this diverse mix. Is it overkill? What would you add or take away? I think it was a good idea. I got allll those nutes instead of 3 or 4. By mixing I got them all(plus compost) and the base is primarily peat moss/coco/perlite. Much better than just ground up wood chips and plain potting soil. Why dont more people do this?

  12. Unfortunately the "top soil" in the bags at the box stores has changed. It used to fill depressions in the lawn and grow grass well. Came out very black, contained a fair bit of sand, was cheap and worked well. THEN suddenly these bags seem to contain what is essentially very fine mulch. It does NOT fill depressions well, it does NOT grow grass well.

  13. There are actually potting soils that are $50-$60 a BAG? Now, that's just insane. I've seen that "happy frog" stuff for $20 bucks or more a bag. I have had great results with Vigaro potting soil from Home Depot. it is about $8 a bag, and you don't need to add fertilizer to it like some inferior bagged soils need you to.
    I have bought a couple bags of the blue bagged stuff in this video "Sta green" or something like that. I do wonder how it will be rated here. I will be getting the Vigaro mostly though for my large pots.
    Maybe mixing some of that bagged compost stuff with some inferior potting soil and then some peat based stuff and some fertilizer could give you a decent medium? But, if you do not have that stuff laying around, I'd buy the Vigaro, Miracle Grow has been poor quality lately, I haven't ever bought it before me buying 1 bag last summer. And that plant I planted in that MG soil did NOT grow well at all.
    So, either it just started sucking big time recently, OR MG has always sucked. And, for the price of it I expected my plant to do GREAT.
    From the description of the soils, the Sta green is similar to the Vigaro potting soil, and close in price.

    As this video comes to the end, i see now that the "best vs worst" rating is just a guess by the guy making the video by the contents in the bagged soils, and NOT an actual rating of how good each soil had done at growing plants.
    And, I had typed in best and worst POTTING SOILS, and had gotten this as result.This is mentioning soils that are for in ground and some potting soils here too.
    That bag of Miracle grow POTTING soil laying in the background hasn't been mentioned at all.
    I really sucks when you watch a video that is over 12 minutes long and it does NOT cover what you wanted it to cover. I wanted to know which soil (potting soil specifically was in my search words) grew the nicest plants aka had the most nutreints for potted plants.

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