In this video, I give you my 7 top tips for surviving panic buying in a pandemic.
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
G'day Everyone, I see that a few people have taken my joke about tiny houses a bit too literal. The context is the "movement" I talk about is the one where they demand everyone in society downsize to smaller homes etc and try to shame those who live in larger houses. I am not being critical of those who live in small places or not much land or who are making do with what they have, in fact, I admire those who innovate and turn small spaces into productive areas for growing food. We Aussies often "take the piss" out of the people we love if your mates aren't making fun of you then there's something wrong lol… Hopefully, this clears it up. Keep smiling and don't let the haters get you down. Cheers
All you really need is to plant a ' coleslaw ' garden ( which can be fermented into sauerkraut or in my case sweet kraut ) , with a chicken yard and some milk goats . Cheese , butter ( clarified and sweet cream ) , sour cream and buttermilk and of course milk all from the goats plus meat . Eggs and chicken meat from the chickens . About the only 3 items that I would add to this is apple and walnut trees and some mountain cranberries . Obviously the more you add to a list like this the more better off you'd be but also the more work required in maintaining the abundance but with the basics on my list – the goats could go feral and not need any work from you ( just ask New Zealand ) the same is true with chickens and the Lingonberry or Mountain cranberry grows wild with zero inputs whatsoever . Apple and Walnut Trees still exist on old farms that are long forgotten that have completely collapsed but the trees themselves still fruit with zero help every single year . These items on my list require zero to low human interactions , they benefit us tremendously but they would get on without us .
I am really glad that Aussie politicians are wimps, and the erred on the side of caution with the pandemic. How many Aussies [in OZ] have died from SARS-CoV-2? Nine hundred and ten? Something like that. Well under a thousand anyway. Out of over 25 million people. Look at other places, like the USA, over half a million because of Trump. Do the math. USA has 328 million, give or take. And half a million dead before the adults took over. [It took a while to reverse what Trumpists did]. The same sort of slaughter from guns. Me, I like guns, I was in the army. But guns are not toys. Not so good that they only have let a trickle of Aussies back from overseas though. Good armies teach their people never to leave anyone behind.
Jeez, if we can let tennis players in, we can get our people back. Except for a notable few like Serena Williams, most of those sports people are spoilt brats.
Anyway, back on topic, these are uncertain times. So it is only sensible to prep. Good to see a "prep" video that is not all about guns.
Gun sales in the US went up during the pandemic. My, those Yanks must be good to hit a virus at 100 meters!
Since I am retired, I took the spare bedroom closet and converted it to a pantry. Xtra clothes, shoes, and craft items that were there previously, were all donated to charity shops. I also got rid of the many counter appliances that were never used, and similar xtra dishes, etc. This automatically created more room for food items. I don't miss anything that was donated… LOL
We're you a military man
The ads are still playing, I've already hit the "like" button. Superfan here
The lock downs were totally for our safety and not for the thousands of small businesses that went out of business and the billions of dollars in profit the large corporations made. Restaurants bad fast food joints owned by corporations good!
Extended period of isolation imposed by our masters in government & cheered on by the corporate media. This guy really gets it.
Great video! Instead of staples, I’d say grow your favorite and most expensive crop… for me that is peppers and tomatoes!
The toilet paper part cracked me
Grow, harvest and keep your own plant seeds.
Not to overlook your great tips and info. It that Worcestershire sauce looks good. It’s one of my favorites.
I don’t know if you have them accessible to you. But apple bananas are quite special. They are a banana that’s slightly smaller than the average banana and they have a hint of an apple “bite” to them. I wish I could grow them in the Midwest USA but I haven’t quite figured how to do that.
Well said. But where I'm from you're asking for stitches if you try to hold your spot in line with just a cart in a crowded store. Thanks for posting.
At this point the US had been in lockdown for 9 months. We only bought 4 rolls of tp during this time as we always kept a supply. I had a 50 lb bag of flour because 8 always have a 50 lb bag of flour. And yeast and 5 lbs of pink salt, 25 lbs of sugar, honey….always. We were going onto barter sites during the worst of it to identify people that needed food, especially with kids, then making up grocery packs and having them just come by and pick them off our porch. We all made it through. We ate loads of Asian cooking as it was easy to cook with just what we grew and a few other items.
If you live in or near a rural area: educate yourself on local edible wild plants, and forage for them. There is so much food out there, and if your larder is full of preserved produce, the wild foods can provide you with fresh and healthy food throughout at least halft of the year.
But don't count on wild foods for staples (or staplers, for that matter). Always keep a good amount of dried beans in your larder.
Mark, I have been watching your vids for weeks now, firstly to learn about plants and gardening, however, your jokes your enthusiasm, your smiles and wittiness are infectious and have cheered our family up during these mad depressing Plandemic Times !! you are also addicting to watch:) you are part of the family now
Arianna Sicilian transplanted in London U.K.
Make your own cleaning products.
How big is your land? I’m so jelly
I buy cheap washcloths and use them for "pee pads". No worries if the stores don't have toilet paper. I cut them in half and fold each half. Washes up clean in the laundry. When I was young my dad would do this for our menstrual periods (he was raising 4 girls on his own). It's amazing to me how much we've all become so dependent on stores in just the last 50 years.
Panic buying needs money so i can only do the panic part
I also keep about 100 flannel squares that I zigzag the edges on. This can be used for toilet paper in a pinch, and having done cloth diapers, I'm not squeamish about washing them