March 23, 2025


START GARDENING 2021 with VALUABLE INFORMATION. Planning what to do first this year. My thoughts.

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  1. Mark, excellent video per usual! I think a great idea for a video would be how to source seeds from unthought of places. Livestock feed stores, small garden stores, small sellers on Etsy, even non irradiated beans from the store, and seeds saved from produce bought at farmers markets (heirloom varieties for tomatoes… watch out for peppers, if they grow sweet and hot near each other, when they cross pollinate you can get spicy bell peppers, lol)

  2. Hi, I have a Q : How long and how to storage worm castings ?
    I just heard they are locking down here in Spain, in other words, no possibility to go to a garden center for nobody know how long.. (could last months) I have until tomorrow to get what I need, so will worm casting last 3-6-9-12 months ?
    I am kind of a fruity person (200 trees and bushes), and I use pruning woodchips to add carbon to the soil. Potatoes on the soil, and then add the chips on top, work great.

  3. Thanks for the heads up about seed. I try all sorts of methods-in the ground, raised bed, hugelkultur etc. Modified hugelkultur in raised bed might be my preference as I live in a somewhat low area that seems to get a lot of rain in spring-too much rain. How generous are you when you use the worm castings? Thanks.

  4. Hey, Mark. Happy New Year!
    I was online yesterday looking at seed outlets and I noticed the same things you did with shortages and even some (like Fedco) have limited days when you can order in the week. I know it's different for you because you have a commercial operation, but last year I decided I would try to save as many different kinds of seeds as possible in order to avoid spending the money and also to stop having to rely on outside sources as much as possible. I don't doubt you also save some seeds since you mentioned you have seed potatoes from last year. I hope you are able to obtain everything you need for this year. Blessings, friend.

  5. thanks to you I have about 1000 sqft of earth covered with finely chopped leaf mould from fall leaves just waiting to be planted into come spring…. but still my question is: come spring should I plant crimson clover cover crop and then plant my veggies right in the midst of those plants?… or do I wait until fall to plant winter rye instead?…

  6. Raised beds w fall/winter cover crops. I also make my own potting mix with compost, decomposed wood chips, forrest soil, and biochar. Easy, fun, and rewarding! Thanks for sharing your knowledge Mark!

  7. I love your videos, I have been a fan for some time now. Will growing parthenocarpic cucumbers next to monoecious cucumbers have a favorable yield? I realize the parthenocarpic cucumbers will have seeds, but will they still produce? Last year I grew both on the same trellis and the yield went way down. I would appreciate any thoughts, thank you in advance.

  8. "We apologize, but due to the unprecedented volume of seed orders, our website will be closed beginning Friday, January 29 at 3 a.m. CST and reopening on Wednesday, February 3rd at 10 p.m. CST, to give us time to catch up on orders, restock seed supplies and clean and sanitize our work spaces."

  9. I use a mix of ugelkultur and lasagna in raised beds. wood, straw browns and greens, native soil, manure, topped with my own blend of growing medium, slow release granular fertilizer and fast release liquid fertilizer, sometime activated biochar, EM encoculant and mulch; something along those lines ;-). Siochain.

  10. First time gardener. I live in HOA regulated community so I have to start with containers, besides our soil is solid clay. Your videos are helping me change that

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