March 7, 2025

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: January Garden Tour | Winter

  1. Wow i wanted to tell u that u r beautiful n gorgeous amazing stunning looking if u r single can we talk im Tom im single n want to no if u will be my Valentine hope to hear from u sweetie

  2. Growing up on a farm ,we always had a huge garden,,one plus acres.fig,pear, orange trees,etc. We had 2 acres of chickens, quail, rabbits, ducks ,pheasants, peacocks, seeing your video reminded me ,""All the hard work I survived, lol,,.Retired now,& will be starting back for sure.THANKS FOR SHARING♡

  3. Most berry plants love to be fertilized at least every 6 weeks during growing. I am new here and love your setup! It looks so hopeful!
    Oh, if you cut down on putting seeds into your compost, your compost will be more nutritious and you can stop feeding volunteer plants.

  4. Your area looks beautiful. My husband and I were looking at properties in Washougal and Vancouver. we’re concerned about all the rain though. How much rain do you get?

  5. Just found your channel and really like your content and best of all your personality! Keep it up I'm cheering for you! …. BTW what state do you homestead?

  6. Euonymus bushes are a quick green growth too for fence lines to get rid of those neighbor views. They can be ruined to whatever height so you don't block sun with them. Deer do like them if you have a heavy population but I can't imagine 6 deer visiting your backyard everyday in the winter. It is great greenery for cut arrangement and also flowers tiny pale green flowers and some fall little berries for different floral arrangements interested through the year.
    I had mentioned rhododendrums in a shady spot of fence line in another video.
    Also, some bush willow is great too but not green in winter. Chickens and animals (if you got rabbits) love them for fodder. Would add some different texture and interest.
    Can't wait to see the garden grow!

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