THANK YOU FOR 1 MILLION! Today I look at some of the gardens YOU have created over the past year. If you like this series, I’ll do more in the future…I had a ton of fun.
0:00 – Intro
0:47 – Aaron En
1:22 – Jeremy Goldsmith
1:54 – Grant P
2:06 – Jade Hope
2:32 – Alyssa Scott
3:05 – Link Robertson
3:16 – Learn Stuff
3:34 – Richard Mason
3:47 – Sarah Schutter
4:28 – Lilian Tong
4:39 – Emily Martin
5:15 – Fearless Home Gardening
5:37 – Scott Parks
6:03 – Sarah C
6:30 – Vickie Sutton
7:11 – Ryan Capinski
7:30 – Kanani Pottinger
7:59 – The Minted Maiden
8:30 – Espinoza’s Urban Farm
8:59 – Andria Simone
9:42 – J E
10:25 – Legendary Urban Gardening
10:45 – Phanat Xanamane
11:23 – Joona Besada
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LOL this was so fun everyone…hope you like it cause I DEF wanna do more of these types of videos. THANK YOU FOR 1 MILLION!
your humble ways are truely inspiring.♥️♥️♥️
I like this.
I love that xtreme Gardening jacket.
Loved the video! Thank you so much for all the advice you give us! Hope you do a part #2!
I love seeing others gardens!!!
Love seeing others gardens. Can get some ideas for my garden.
You should do this again!
great video-would love to see more of this series. everyone's garden looked wonderful. i got some ideas. and you chose a great variety to show us- from balcony's to poolside- a garden space for everyone! maybe someday I'll have something i can submit. great job everyone!!!
Enjoyed this a lot! hope you do it again sometime
spray neem oil on their face lmao
What was really cool about this was seeing ideas that perhaps I had been thinking of implementing, and then seeing others have actually done it. I love this channel for all of its wonderful ideas, and it's really awesome to see the community of other people who we all get to learn from in addition to all the great content here. Thanks for sharing, I look forward to sharing my own garden one day perhaps!
I like this a lot! Really great to see other gardeners' ideas and applications. Thanks!! Look forward to more.
Always loved nature but even my parents told me to do not. I guess I had the Chinese approach to see nature and felt like it’s coming out of the Planet anyway, so I didn’t cared at all about water waist or pollution. I’m so glad that it changed and somehow I learned to respect my environment more and more. Hopefully someday to point close to you.. thanks as always kevin they are self watering buckets. noted by the tube going down into the soil. very nice and probably needed for how hot the driveway gets in the summer time.
Enjoyed watching the gardens ppl sent in
You’re welcome
Would absolutely LOVE to hear your Origin Story <3
I definitely get inspiration from others on how they organize and lay out their gardens. Would love more of these videos!
do more of these!!!
WOW, just WOOOOOWWWW!!! Great shout outs!!
That last garden with the narrow long back yard truly was inspired. Amazing use of space.
Thanks. I so much appreciate the subscriber videos. Great gardens. So interesting..
Just want to thank you for educating me and inspiring me to grow my tiny indoor herb garden- the basil is AMAZING- really helps my cooking