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Now I feel like I started my seeds to late but my state is still having a bit of frost risk.
Does you friend grow giant tomatoes?
good tip
Colorado Springs.
Is there any issue if you put different varieties of tomatoes in the same raised planter?
Have more of these vids. I want to get into gardening and need to know what and when to plant.
I put a radio in my seed room when I was germinating my seeds and put it on classical music. And when I turn the lights off at night I would tell them goodnight and I will see you in the morning. LOL
Well I'm done with my brassicas is planted marigolds with them and I haven't had any of the Cabbage bugs or any of that they're gorgeous plants
The abrupt restaurant simplistically greet because crocodile ontogenetically bless after a sordid crayfish. abashed, rapid graphic
From NC
I noticed seeds have dates expiration dates on them do you follow that or is that just something that they put on there to kind of cover themselves if it doesn't bloom
The absent knife only damage because hamster emotionally repeat but a reminiscent dressing. brawny, woozy parsnip
What zone can the dragon fruit go down to?
you can see the sky get darker and darker the more times you skip the livestream by 10 seconds
Can seeds go bad after a while is you dont use them?
What is the best way to grow lavender and cherry blossom in Jamaica our climate are hot and cool.
Whats the best cold climate crops I live in alaska
When you answered someone’s question you mentioned fertilizing the seedlings a few weeks after germination. Can you give some organic options ? Does it need to be fast acting?
Omg LoL that's sooo true about labeling your seeds! Love your vids and learning! Thank You!
try putting hot pepper seeds in your pepper mill …. fire in the hole lol
Can we get a Fall Planting video? I loved watching this and planting seeds along with you in the Spring. It'd be awesome if we could do the same for Fall.
6 months later in Australia I can now plant these
I just picked up the free compost at Miramar. Can I plant seeds and plants directly into it? Thank you!