March 24, 2025

VIDEO: How to start a cooperative farm

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone started Green City Acres, a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada, in 2010. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.


Music commonly used on this channel:

Sweeps –
Biocratic –
The Muse Maker –
David Cutter Music –

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to start a cooperative farm

  1. I sent two of my friends your video with Ice Age farmer. By the time they went to click on it, it was down. That was incredibly valuable video that you took down a little too soon!

  2. People need to stop pretending seattle and portland are 3rd world countries, both cities have calmed down and are fine. We're nowhere near a societal collapse. I'd rather you focus more on the how to. I get being prepared, but just as with your doomsday prediction of the solar minimum, chill a little. Cities are fine. The US election isn't creating a societal collapse, we're ok here. Relax a bit. Be prepared sure, food storage is great, but we don't need to live in constant fear of societal collapse, especially if we're building relationships with those around us, we need to be building trust in society and building a stronger world, not living in fear of our neighbors.

  3. Hi…thanks for sharing videos, they are really encouraging. I would appreciate if you could share advice for starters… if there is an option to buy a land around 300 km from big city, would it be still profitable business comparing with land lease 60 km from the city?

  4. Would like to see some of the organizational rules, standards and responsibilities you’d ask co op farmers to commit to follow.. We have some nice farm land 2 hours from Austin, TX and would like to help facilitate a small group of real dedicated coop farmers. My experience so far has been that anyone interested has no experience farming, no skin to put in the game, needs a place to live onsite in their vehicle with pets and children, wants a stipend and isn’t keen on going out to market their surplus.produce. For a few farmers with experience and drive, but none of that other crap, we could set up a lease for several acres of land for cash, crop share or provide free tenant infrastructure needs. Nobody is even willing to drive out and take a look… from what I’ve seen most people’s values and virtue need to take a break and go inside when the sweat starts pouring in 95 degree heat at 11:00AM.

  5. Thank you Curtis for all your videos. They are inspirational and have influenced me in starting a co-operative with my friends. We are also planning to start a market farm to provide healthy and fresh food to our local community. I am based in a town in Malaysia. And you are right in saying the techniques that you teach are applicable anywhere in the world.

  6. Hey Curtis! Great work 🙂 I have a question: What number of the people in your cooperative are using this site for commercial production?

    Maybe I missed something, but it wasn't clear to me whether the food you are growing is providing an income source for the people in the group. I imagine this would look quite different from a food security/sustenance farm.


  7. Curtis
    The company that sends out emails are removing backers for complaining about uncompatable emails. Refuse to address and tell subs to "go f themselves " I was a backer of your and will again once you deal with them.

  8. When the government ruling class own and control 94% of the land in bc and the people can't afford food and shelter that isn't a govt by the people for the people.

    Mussolini predicted CORPORATISM

    The Galactic Milankovitch cycles cause our Climate Cycles.

    ECCENTRICITY with the galactic bulge regulates intensity. Perihelion happening every 120,000 years.

    Obliquity/magnetic north causes Global warming/cooling dependant on where we are reference the galactic bulge.

    Precession/The Great Year crossing our galaxies double torus electromagnetic equatorial plane causes EM plasma bursts, asteroid impacts (Kuipers belt) and East to West Global tsunami's.

    It took millennia and 19 different Tsunami's to bury Gobekli Tepe under 15 meters of LAYERED deposits covering 9 hectares spanning MILLENNIA the last time we crossed the galactic plane.

    Covid, flat earth, chem/vapour trails are distractions from the Inconvenient truths.

    Covid being the Baby BOOMERS who were born enmass 75 years ago are starting to die from the usual suspects of seasonal FLU pneumonia and old age.

    The mask of the beast is a pretext for the testing, contact tracing and 5G heavy metal vaccines.

    Jesus loved all races because there is only one race the HUMAN race.

    Humanity is being divided distracted to be conquered by the family who thinks they are better than all other humans on the planet.

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