March 18, 2025

VIDEO: What Happened to the Chicken Compost Making Ring 3 Months Later?

In this video, I show you what has happened to the chicken compost making ring 3 months after its first use and how the kitchen scraps have broken down.

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: What Happened to the Chicken Compost Making Ring 3 Months Later?

  1. G'day Everyone, just a quick note about Plastic Forests (who make the material for my compost ring) their website is (not sponsored) I just like the recycling concept and their growing list of products. I (like many others and probably you too) think reusing/recycling soft plastics (such as plastic bags) is one way to help clean up the waste and pollution on our planet caused by discarded plastics. Cheers 🙂

  2. Some really good ideas.! The chickens are super workers, perhaps they'll eat some ticks as well! A fellow could really just live off one container & one could let one container go fallow while one gets soil built, perhaps. Then a small catfish pond! Do the ducks have a pond? They want their share of the corn!

  3. I feed my chickens kitchen scraps but it never occurred to me to put them in a confined area so I could easily gather the compost. Definitely trying this! It looks like the sides are too high for ducks, but ducks are great in the garden too. They love cleaning up bugs and last years leftovers!

  4. Man, where does it stop? You have advice on so much stuff. It's at odds with a couple of other channels (don't panic – yours is far and away the one I watch the most).
    Citrus is OK for compost, but not worm farms yeah?

  5. Way to go Mate! I save our scraps also and they go to the compost pile. Way I see it your getting back minerals and fertilizer you used to grow those beautiful Vegies. Jessie USA Oh yes do you raise cantalopes and watermellons at all. If you do do a video on the watermellons. I gave up completely on those two. Jessie Arkansas USA

  6. You shouldn't add the poor soil to the compost.Much of the poor soil is likely sand, which won't chemically break down any further. It is already depleted of nutrition and adds nothing substantial.

    Small pieces of meat are OK, but take a long time to break down and may attract undesirable animals. I wouldn't allow bacon as there is too much fat and salt, which will slow the decomposing, plus it is a waste of good bacon.

    BTW, the title made me think you'd buried some chickens. Although, maybe feathers might make a good compost matterial.

  7. G'day Mark, I must say that you are an absolute genius in the garden. I follow your tips and now I am going to make a compst ring with my own chooks. Thanks for the lovely videos that we can follow.

  8. A friend of mine did a similar thing and planted their fruit trees in the spot of the ring. Every time they wanted to plant another tree they would move the ring and the chickens prepared the ground for them. A great idea!

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