March 24, 2025

VIDEO: 12 Must Grow Varieties | New Seeds on the Farm

We are always experimenting with new seed varieties here on the farm, so we can find the best plants for our specific growing conditions. I go over a lot of my new experiments from the past year, and share my new favorites that have made it onto the “must grow” list. And the one’s that didn’t make the cut.

Tomatoes – Bigdena, Bronze Torch, Red Torch
Cucumber – Martini
Hot Pepper – Black Hungarian, Hungarian Hot Wax, Biquinho Yellow, Habanero, Crackle Chili, Filius Blue, Giant Ristra
Lettuce – Summer Crisp, Muir, Magenta
Guilan – Green 70D Improved
Zucchini – Partanon
Beet – Kestrel
Basil – Prospera, Rutgers Devotion
Eggplant – Orient Express, Orient Charm
Sweet Peppers – California Wonder

Ian and Serina of YOU CANT EAT THE GRASS feel that every small change can make a big difference to the world we live in. Every garden planted leads to a better future. We hope to inspire and motivate others to make positive changes in their lives by sharing our journey towards greater sustainability as we build our family farm. It’s hard work to build a life worth living, and completely worth it!

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8 thoughts on “VIDEO: 12 Must Grow Varieties | New Seeds on the Farm

  1. You can dehydrate the hot peppers then grind them into a powder and sell that. However use saftey measures. do it in NO breeze , but well ventalated area and wear vinyl gloves and eye protection. We did it with ghost ,repper , chilli, and habinaro peppers.
    Also warn customers of thier Scoville rating.

  2. The pronunciation of the brazilian pepper is biquiño. The Portuguese NHO syllable sounds like ÑO in Spanish (as in the word España) or the sound GNO in Italian (as in the word gnocchi).

    One of the difficult sounds for English-speaking people, you don't have that one in your language.

  3. Tsoi sum and gai Lan are two different types of Chinese vegetables. Tsoi sum sometimes known as yu choy has distinct yellow flowers and a softer stalk sometimes stringy. Related more to bok choy. gai Lan has white flowers with a stronger stock closley related to broccoli.

    70 d improved has yellow flowers so it kinda peaked my suspicions and it's not a gai Lan but tsoi sim

  4. I love hearing what impressed you, or what was the best flavor. Your channel has inspired me to grow my own food, so I've been taking notes. Thank you so much for all the great information you provide.

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