March 26, 2025

VIDEO: SEEDS EXPLAINED: Heirloom, Hybrid, Organic, and GMO Seeds 🌰

As you’re thumbing through your seed catalogs for the upcoming season, you might be confused by common terms for seeds. Are GMO seeds bad? What even ARE heirloom seeds. And what about hybrids…they’re not good to grow…or are they? In today’s video I explain the common misconceptions about all of these seed types to help you make sense of your seed shopping this year.

0:00 – Intro
0:43 – GMO Seeds
2:21 – Hybrid Seeds
4:43 – Organic vs. Conventional Seeds
7:19 – Heirloom Seeds
10:12 – Outro


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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: SEEDS EXPLAINED: Heirloom, Hybrid, Organic, and GMO Seeds 🌰

  1. Kevin, look up Joseph Lofthouse, he gives some additional info that leads to wanting to grow your own varieties, and he has drought tolerant varieties that you would be interested in, considering the climate in your area.

  2. can't wait to buy GMO seeds if they ever come to market, until then its just whatever i can get in packets for vegetables prefer hybrids to try new things. honestly i trust GMO more than non GMO but unfortunately cannot buy them

  3. Gardening dummy here trying to figure out… can I save seeds from any type of veggie/fruit and replant. Or can I only save seeds from heirloom?

  4. Very concise explanation. Question….. If you have the real estate, time, and
    patience, could one grow to a F1 plant to mimic the F1 you originally bought?
    Save seed from the most desirable plant. Sow 8 next year. Again save seed
    from the best plant. Maybe 2 grow right, and so on, until all seeds saved
    grow similarly or true to what you want? Or at least close to the originals?

    Seems Heirloom seeds are taking a back seat to F1's year after year in regards
    to availability. So for beginners, all the more important to learn proper seed
    saving technique's. Paste Tomato's at Johnny's, 16 varieties, 11 F1's.
    Boils down to growing for fun, or sustenance, and deep are your pockets.

  5. When you mentioned the corn, it made complete sense why they are the way they are. When I first saw the corn in Canada, I was like "what is this? what am I supposed to do with this?" I thought maybe they are picked young. They have no taste. The corn I grew up eating as a child are completely different. They are much larger and the corn seeds are larger and look more mature and taste really good. I only see them here once a year at festivals at a very high price too just for one corn. I know the difference because my mom used to grow corn back home.

  6. He DID comment on the propaganda surrounding GMO foods ("big bad GMO") and repeated that activist lie about animal genes in GMO seeds. Only the GMO tomato tried that and it is obsolete now. GMOs must not be confused with lab experiments to make glowing plants in laboratories – they are just experiments not meant to distribute for farming. All these myths are fear mongering lies to sell more crappy organic produce, especially the non-GMO certified label. Watch for the new labeling laws taking effect in 2020. They can be used now but they are not enforced until 2022.

  7. So im a Little confused. Everybody keeps telling me there is no non GMO corn out there, every edible corn is gmo.
    And I bought some seeds the other day too, but you say that the seeds we buy are always non gmo?

    What’s with corn anyways does anybody have some good info on that?

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