I just heard one of the questions saying that Amazon told her to reorder your book. Please be careful as there is a scammer emailing Amazon customers informing them their order has been canceled and they need to place a new one. The link sends you to a legit looking site.
Do you have any idea on how to keep a raccoon out of your garden, I’ve had a garden for 3 years now and this year I have a raccoon tearing up my amended beds I’m getting ready to plant soon I’m at a loss at what to do
1) Jess, I am sorry that the release of your book got delayed a month. Yes, that is a bummer. 2) Squash varieties this year will be: a) Ute Indian, b) Gila Cliff Dweller, and c) Ayote. Never grown these varieties in the past, so I am really anxious to try them out this year! 3) The melon this year will be one from Israel called Ein D’Or. I wish you every success — wherever you make your new home! Best wishes from Kate in Olympia, WA — 1/25/2021
Last night you mentioned overwintering some veggies. Lots of my brassicas and other fall garden veggies didn’t mature so I’m trying to save them this winter under cover in my raised beds. Do you think they will start growing again in the spring (my hope) or do you think it is better to start indoors and replant? This is all assuming they don’t get too cold and die in a bitter frost. Thanks!!
You referred to “the waiting room” at the start of the video. Do the Lives actually have a waiting room, like Zoom has? I’m never able to find the Lives until a few minutes after they’ve started.
Miah!! I would love some focused video in the future about ur tools, what you recommend and basics! I have this big bag of dewalt tools I got for a good deal during holiday times and I don’t have the first clue how to use it or what most of them do. I’m feeling very frustrated and I’m a super visual learner. I feel I could make beautiful and cool stuff, if I can figure out how to attach the stupid blades and use them without loss of life or limb. I know I’m just another YT comment, but really! I don’t have a dad figure or something to ask and the instructions in these kits are useless. I wanna BUILD!! I loved the video about ur shelves and I learned a lot! I’d love more vids about ur tools and what you think!
I hope y'all don't leave our state!!!
Man, and I complain our internet is $120 a month!
Bleu cheese does have mold – and it smells like it has a few dirty socks in it too.
Aw! It cut off. so… "We bless you till next time." There, now it's complete. :o) God bless, and have a great day!
I just heard one of the questions saying that Amazon told her to reorder your book. Please be careful as there is a scammer emailing Amazon customers informing them their order has been canceled and they need to place a new one. The link sends you to a legit looking site.
Do you have any idea on how to keep a raccoon out of your garden, I’ve had a garden for 3 years now and this year I have a raccoon tearing up my amended beds I’m getting ready to plant soon I’m at a loss at what to do
I wish you'd put a microphone on Miah. In every video, I only hear maybe a third or less of what he says.
1) Jess, I am sorry that the release of your book got delayed a month. Yes, that is a bummer.
2) Squash varieties this year will be: a) Ute Indian, b) Gila Cliff Dweller, and c) Ayote. Never grown these varieties in the past, so I am really anxious to try them out this year!
3) The melon this year will be one from Israel called Ein D’Or.
I wish you every success — wherever you make your new home!
Best wishes from Kate in Olympia, WA — 1/25/2021
Last night you mentioned overwintering some veggies. Lots of my brassicas and other fall garden veggies didn’t mature so I’m trying to save them this winter under cover in my raised beds. Do you think they will start growing again in the spring (my hope) or do you think it is better to start indoors and replant? This is all assuming they don’t get too cold and die in a bitter frost. Thanks!!
Where did you order onion slips? I have checked several stores and they have none?
I feel for you with internet prob so annoying x
You referred to “the waiting room” at the start of the video. Do the Lives actually have a waiting room, like Zoom has? I’m never able to find the Lives until a few minutes after they’ve started.
You folks have your hands full!
First time on live from Shreveport Louisiana. I watch you guys all the time and you do Bless me!
I just hope you that when you finish putting the fence back up around your outside garden, that you still decorate it with the wood and hot pink door!
I saw the lightening behind you thru your window!
I saw the lightening behind you thru your window!
What happened to Ben turn?
Miah!! I would love some focused video in the future about ur tools, what you recommend and basics! I have this big bag of dewalt tools I got for a good deal during holiday times and I don’t have the first clue how to use it or what most of them do. I’m feeling very frustrated and I’m a super visual learner. I feel I could make beautiful and cool stuff, if I can figure out how to attach the stupid blades and use them without loss of life or limb.
I know I’m just another YT comment, but really! I don’t have a dad figure or something to ask and the instructions in these kits are useless. I wanna BUILD!! I loved the video about ur shelves and I learned a lot! I’d love more vids about ur tools and what you think!
Wonderful Wise Tips <3 Thank you
Love All Dogs
Good morning Jess and Myah from Crooked Tree Homestead
What about Artie the artichoke is he going?? He is special