Adam Jones from @adamynyrardd Instagram account shares with us his inspirational backgarden that is full of food abundance, nature, and joy. Give Adam a follow here:
This video showcases his fantastically productive backgarden that combines raised bed no dig kitchen gardening, with keeping poultry like quail, ducks and chickens as natural pest control and excellent composters. Adam is based in West Wales and share the reason why raised beds work well in this specific climate, as well as why growing food means so much to him.
Adam’s YouTube channel:
#permaculture #vegetablegarden #homestead
Can you translate it into english please?
bubbles from trailer park boys
Its lovely. I am really hoping Id start something this great.
wow your garden is sooo beautiful
The garden is gorgeous!!!
Beautiful garden!
This man created his own Eden.
My morning/destressing ritual includes watching your videos. I'm inspired to grow my veggies. Now if I can just find that plot of garden…
Wow that is one of the best. Thanks so much
This garden is a wonderful fusion of permaculture and traditional gardening techniques. Order, chaos and abundance in balance!
From Yogyakarta Indonesia… Love very much brother… I'll make it even only small area we have.
exquisite. its completely filled up, but everything is organized and has its own place and function. very cleverly done. thank you for sharing your small patch of paradise.
I love this ..
I didn't know Lewis Capaldi liked gardening
You are such a nice gentleman. I really admire you and your garden
very nice video, so inspirational. God bless us all farmers from PH
Wow! I am starting a garden in a horse pasture with Canada thistle and Bishop's weed, along with the less invasive things like curly dock, burdock, ladyfingers, pigweed, lamb's quarters and Jimsonweed.
I had a terrible time keeping the mallard ducks off the cabbage.
But I still thought I"d like to have ducks or chickens for the new garden, the problem here is the bald eagles nesting a mile away by the river would not be averse to a change from eating carp every day. So, poultry has to be kept under some kind of cover.
Love it…….Does this dude have a YouTube channel?
I dearly wish I could have chickens and ducks for my garden. My city won't allow it. Maybe someday I'll have the time and energy to try to change that…
What a lovely perfect garden!Goals!
I appreciate the creativity and focus here. However, for some reason I remember the song "Harlech Men" and it comes to mind. Love the Welsh!
Yes c'est super ! Continuez comme sa !! (J'aurais pu écrire en anglais mais vous n'aurez pas su que sa viens de france :D) J'ai des poules et vous m'avez appris que leurs caca était du composte déjà prêt :O