March 13, 2025

VIDEO: Vegetable Gardening | Straight Talk for People Starting to Grow Food

If you are new to growing food, or are looking to start a vegetable garden then this video is for you. I give my honest and frank advice when it comes to starting a food growing journey, with the hope that it will greatly help you achieve your vegetable growing dreams. The goal with this video is to give you a mental and strategic toolkit to ensure the best possible success from the get go. It also is to help ensure you don’t fall into any traps along the way, and that you have a positive and realistic journey forward.

Resources mentioned:
-Diversity video (companion planting etc)-


Making your first compost
Art of Lazy Compsoting

With a huge thanks to Sean Tucker for the inspiration behind this video. If you are interested in the deeper meaning of photography and creativity, check out his incredible videos here:

-Huw’s books-
Signed copies of my books:

Awesome clothing designed for vegetable gardeners:

-Online Courses-
More Food Less Effort Course:
Planting Plan Short Course:


#permaculture #regenerative #homegrown

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Vegetable Gardening | Straight Talk for People Starting to Grow Food

  1. I got really motivated and inspired to get into veg gardening after bamboo invaded my property from a neighbours yard, which literally destroyed my yard and all existing garden beds that have been used for flowers… it has been a big learning curve but my garden is really starting to be productive, your tips have really helped me simple tips like a plank of wood for a snail trap or a seedling cover have helped greatly, but the biggest tip has been not to be disheartened by failure, and I did very nearly threw in the towel after aphids and rats did what they do. Thank you Huw, keep posting video.
    Yoda said "failure the greatest teacher is"

  2. I've started journaling regarding my inspirations, as sometimes they seem to come and go swiftly. But I imagine in years ahead I will look back and see how it all fit together. I think the journey is the most important part. I've just started this summer to grow 4 vegetables and from what I learn this time I can expand for next year. It's all part of the process, it's very exciting but I think it's important to take it gradually, just do a little here and there and over time it will all add up. Thanks for putting together this information for newbies like me!

  3. You are 22!? Really you seem so much more mature, in a good way, than that. I am a relatively new gardener most of what I attempt fails. I shall be taking notes.

  4. It’s a shame soil is so damn expensive. I like the idea of a no-dig garden, and its also very aesthetically pleasing – but I’d go bankrupt if I bought this much soil

  5. Great vid! I have been using organic methods for 5 years now and things are getting better and better. I totally agree with all your info dependence on chemicals will always let you and your ecosystem down. The age of agriculture is gone and dead and needs a revive ty for your vid.

  6. Mark 4:8

    And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred.

  7. My love in life is the garden I have a level 5 cert in gardening .I found your (you tube ) a few weeks ago,And just love them,You put thing,s so beautifully,I have become addictive to watching your work, no ego, such a gent,
    I believe you,r work is done in Wales is this correct,Looking forward to each and every video you put out.Many thanks and best wishes to you.

  8. I was a silly starter myself. Now i have decided to focus on 1 new type of perennial each year, and 1 type of new veggie each year. It helps to focus and observe.

  9. When I began my gardening journey more than 25 years ago, I used the odd fertilizer, but I've been natural for more than 10 years . I've just recently started no dig (2 years) and I'm loving it!

  10. Love Huw’s video which are informative and educational. I have got an allotment plot in April. The plot has not been cultivated for 2 years. I heard about no dig method but the ground is so uneven I need to level it by digging! Also how to know if the soil is healthy? My Pak Choy are very small and weak. I thought I have to wait longer to let them grow bigger but they become too old and the stem are as tough as leather. So apparently the soil is not rich enough. What should I do for the next crop?

  11. Empty gas. What a self-important man this is! First 'tip' doesn't arrive until 16:29 minutes. If you want good advice about no-dig permaculture, seek out Paul Gautschi and his film Back to Eden. Or Charles Dowding. Both give down to earth advice that's more about the land and less about themselves.

  12. Hi Huw, thank you so much for this video. I have a question. My garden is a newbuild. So the builders filled it and all the other houses with rocks and then covered it with a layer of a grass. We have been painstakingly going through the rocks and then adding compost to plant something. My question is can I apply 'no dig' to this type of garden full of rocks? Thank you.

  13. I feel grateful to have found your channel. It's my first year gardening and I am excited to start out organic. I am applying the advice on feeding the soil to my lawn as well, which is on compacted clay, by top dressing. It will be a lovely lesson in patience to achieve good results later on.

  14. I really enjoy all your videos Huw, thanx for rhem! I have a question regarding rised beds – if you add a thin layer of compost to them each year, in a couple of years you'll end up having them full, how do you cope with that? Or is the old compost just…totally breaking down to a small amount of ashes..? Don't know if that makes sense but please answer if you get what I mean.

  15. The saying "You are what your forefathers ate" is also true. Glad to hear him talking about the importance of Organic Gardening, slightly surprised I didn't hear the word 'Salvestrol' being mentioned, ahwell.

  16. I've got 3.5 massive piles of compost going right now. All at different stages. I so looking forward to starting my no dig garden. I'm doing my best to spend little or nothing on my garden (except some seeds to get started). Not always easy but it is so rewarding when you get a great harvest from just hard work. My compost piles will never stop growing and will continue to use chop and drop and use what I have on hand to grow what I need. So far a great success and I am learning more everyday. 🙂 Start with the easy vegetables and the success will motivate you to try more difficult crops. Tomatoes are still a challenge here in the tropics but I am trying 4 different methods to see what works this year. Good luck to everyone.

  17. thanks for your video's. i have a jungle of a garden (28ft wide, 75ft long) with waist high reedy type grass and head high type bushes. im hoping to turn it in to a vegitable garden one day but it is hard getting started, my family have absalutly no interest in it so its up to me. I have asthma, moderate to sever copd, carpal tunnel syndrome and i, like millions of other people around the world, have been housebound because you know why! well thanks to your insperation and straight talking, i am now more determind to start my garden adventure, even if it kills me (not literally!) so starting now i will be sitting down to plan out my 'Victory' garden, then i just have to work on getting everything cleared out so i can get my raised beds and pollytunnel in, i plan on making my own pollytunnel using rebar rods, wood and brackets, and square wire pannels. Wish me luck, im going to need it lol

  18. When you say "no dig" does that include mixing your compost heap? Or are you just saying to not till the soil within the planters? I think I don't really get what "dig gardening" is haha

  19. This was the first year I could really commit to a garden. I went into it as a learning process. If I got a harvest,great. That would be less I have to purchase at the grocery. I had several blank spots because I didn't plan very well and frankly I didn't know what I should do. I was excited and got a solar tunnel and learning new challenges. Plenty of failures and some real successes. Now making new plans for next season. Who knows, maybe trying some things over winter.

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