March 23, 2025

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Starting 15 Varieties of Heirloom Peppers!

  1. I usually just get some plants from the garden center for the nightshade family stuff, but this year I really want to try that rare Thornburn's Terra Cotta Tomato so got a heat pad and ordered the seeds. I figured to start some white eggplant seeds as well as eggplant are usually not offered in very many diverse varieties at the garden centers unlike peppers and tomatoes with 40 kinds of each. Last frost date in Champaign IL is May 10 so don't really know when to start? I made the mistake of starting lemon cucumbers in mid March and they grew too large way to quick and I ended up just starting a second batch in the ground from seed in mid May to excellent results by mid July. I am wondering too if you can start cold hardy stuff like Kale indoors and get it right in the ground in early April with a head start over direct seeding?

  2. I ordered twice, total close to 100$ worth of seeds from you… oopps got a little carried away. A lot of the things I wanted were out of stock but still happy with what I got so far.

  3. I love all the information on the back of your seed packets! There's only one thing missing that I'd love to see and that's the latin name for the plant. It would be so helpful.

  4. Where do you source your seeds from? You do not harvest them yourself. Would like to now the origins of our seeds you are selling. You have never told us that.

  5. went downstate for 5 years and 'rested' the garden, returned to chives growing in my patio cracks lol. also i have what mom called winter onions everywhere, the ones you plant from the tops of the mother plant, i just planted peppers and i understand they like 80 degrees. i am trying to germinate them by carefully using the wood stove in my growing room instead of electric heat. i was hoping you would plant those seeds so i could learn more. i have 3 sprouts from the drawer of my desk where i kept some planted saved seeds from store bought pepper from last year. i'm weak in sprouting pepper seeds. thanks for the tip on starting eggplant now too. i did learn that adzuki beans aren't green beans, i'm ok with that i am sprouting mung beans right now and will grow those to save for sprouts also. have a blessed day. oh by the way, are you planning on a place like Horrocks? it's the most awesome place i have ever been to in Lansing

  6. So i used nothing but vermiculite to start seeds… no games… no need for sanitization or any of that… then when they pop, i move em to little seed tray things.. it';s a great process innovation that I found reduced my anxiety about "oh nooo… bacteria and fungus".. and made the process more enjoyable and increased success rate.

  7. Love the tip on the chives because I’ve been unsuccessful with them due to bad seeds from another company. Very helpful I will have to buy chives from MIgardener

  8. The pack of Large Red Hot Cherry peppers said approx 15 seeds but there were exactly 7 seeds in the packet.

    I'm only growing 6 plants so it worked out but please check quality control, Luke.

    I'm trying MIGardener seeds for the first time this year. I was really surprised to find 7 seeds, lol. Buy 2 packs people!

  9. :'( my last frost date was supposed to be march 15th here in south georgia. I planted tomatoes and potatoes in the ground last week and we had a freeze last night… I'm glad it was a small batch and I have more in my greenhouse but it still hurts to look at dead tomatoes and damaged potatoes.

  10. Lemon Drop peppers are amazing!!! However because of the stress and worrying of animals eating my peppers/ plants… me and my father are taking this season off of having pepper plants in our garden, well actually we will have jalapenos, and habanero's but normally we have over 30 different varieties, and 2 of each plants in our garden. We are going to find solutions for next years garden so animals will stay away and will not want to be in our garden. The peppers I am getting this year are fresh peppers from Homesweet Homegrown which is a family ran business in Kutztown, PA which has a massive field of peppers and deliver boxes of fresh peppers to people every single year. I decided to really up my chilihead tolerance, and I ordered the 2021 superhot chilipepper sampler box which has six half pints of the hottest peppers on the earth (etc) So the boxes are shipped out to everyone in September and I'll really be lighting myself up so I can have a very high heat tolerance so I can be the chilihead I want to be! I'll be like Johnny Scoville ! XD

  11. Hey, Luke. I am a very excited new (within the last 3 years) gardener. However, I am challenged on two fronts, and also very stubborn. I am in a zone 4 and my garden gets at best 6 hours of sunlight. There are 20 Douglas Fir trees in our yard. I always try to grow tomatoes with mixed success. That’s ok. To be expected. This year we experienced a heat dome at the end of June. It caused my tomato plants to grow like giants but produce very little. What variety of tomatoes and other crops would you recommend for me? Heat tolerant, fast growing and partial sun?

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