June 28, 2024

VIDEO: The Secret to Healthy Seedlings 🌱 How to Transplant Them

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Getting seedlings off to a great start is an important step and transplanting them into bigger pots is key to making sure they have enough room to develop. Get it right and you’ll have plenty of plants raring to go when the weather warms up and there’s room in your garden.

In this short video, I demonstrate the best way to transplant seedlings and challenge myself to see how many I can transplant in a minute!

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Secret to Healthy Seedlings 🌱 How to Transplant Them

  1. I am in Australia and my tomato seeds are ready to transplant. This video is very helpful, so wish me luck tomorrow, when I start my task. I love the idea of getting everything ready before you start.

  2. Yesterday I was in B&Q . I noticed they'd starting selling seed trays moulded from bamboo and rice !!! …..I'm not kidding!
    They looked very robust and the manufacturer reckoned they might last about 5 years. I couldn't see any signs of module trays as yet , but hopefully they will follow at some point . I'm so pleased to see this move away from plastics that I'm letting everyone know .

  3. Excellent videos, clear and concise. Subscribed. Got a small terrace house here with a tiny greenhouse and love growing my own food. Got a few fruit trees that were planted 4-5 years ago and Raspberries and Rhubarb. In a 1.2m x 2.4m patch.

  4. sorry but i am confused as i have always been told DO NOT TRANSPLANT SEEDLINGS UNTILL THEY HAVE AT LEAST THIER FIRST SET OF TRUE LEAVES. yours still have their seed leaves.

  5. Ben is the man! I have learned so much during the time these videos are viewed. Also, learned little tricks and have used these techniques. Please continue these videos. Thank you so much. Appreciate your time.

  6. I'm just getting ready to transplant over 350 seedlings and feel a lot more confident after watching your video. When looking for gardening info, I like to search for them on your channel first because you explain things so well and your demonstrations are very helpful. Thank you so much!

  7. Thanks for sharing this video. Which seedlings I can’t transplant? I mean the list of plant seedlings are too delicate to transplant? Please let me know. This video is an eye opener for me. Thank you again.

  8. I'm just in the process of building my own greenhouse (with reclaimed and bought materials), but some lettuce I had starting on our kitchen window sill were looking a bit pail so I pricked some out today using your advice. I'm not too fussed if they don't make it (I'm still very early in the learning stages), but I'm very excited to get my greenhouse built so I can dedicate more space to raising seedlings and getting a better start to my garden.

  9. I’m just starting out with growing my own veggies in my concrete garden so mostly in pots.

    Your videos have been so flippin helpful, I’m transplanting my first seedlings today! Thank you!

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