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I so love your passion and your joy, Jess. You do transfer that through the screen to me, and I bless you for sharing your positive energy. I love watching your channel, you are one of my absolute favourites! Kim in New Zealand
I was getting out a new bar of soap this morning and noticed it had a beautiful stamp of a baby goat nursing from it's mother and below it it said goat milk on it. What excited me about it is that the mother goat had long droopy ears and because of you Jess, I knew that it was a Nubian! Now if I could just remember where I bought it….
Spring always catches me off-guard too. Even in years when I planned to do seedlings early, something always goes wrong and I end up right back in the same place of being overwhelmed.
You do such a great job of sharing the joy of the garden with us. Its why we love your channel. God knew that when he told you to do all of this.
At 13:39 you mentioned that "they" are forecasting a late Spring. Where did you find that information? I'm in 7B (Atlanta) and our last frost date is typically around March 29th according to The Old Farmer's Almanac, but every year is different. I'm so ready to plant. The hubs is working his tail off between rain storms. I've sown some frost hardy veg, but I'm so excited to get back to the garden!!!
It's still cold where I live, thank you for showing your daffodils, they really made my day!
What camera and lens do you guys use? It always looks so good!
Jess, I have to share with you about my daughter, Monica. She went into a seizure last Sunday night that lasted three hours. She was in the hospital from Sunday until Wednesday. She has felt bad and has had no expression since coming home. When I started watching this video and she saw you smiling, sharing your garden and baby goats, she started smiling. She has autism and is thirty-seven years old. Doctors said she would not live past six. She has proved them wrong. You brought her joy tonight, and I thank you. By the way, she boops you.
I love how your joy of Spring is so apparent. It’s contagious!
You just happen to have amazing children too! You ask them to come help you with something and no complaining or attitude, just a "yeah sure." I love it!
yep, mint everywhwere in my yard and beds no matter how much i pull them out. I did turn one bed into hot bed by layering so much leaves, cardboard and mulch. think it will smother the mint!?
I was raised on a farm & my dad was a butcher by trade. And I can say it’s the best cause you know what ur eating & where ur food now days come from
Plus ur veggies are really organic & just don’t say organic. So I agree
with you 
My dad did bar b que. goats that were young & its was soo delicious. Like any other meat you raised
mint tea.
Mint is good to put in net bags & keep ants away if they come in the house
I remember when I first started watching you and now I'm watching as you just nonchalantly milk a goat while you record a video. Thanks for honest and positive content. God bless.
Does anyone know what she is doing with the milk (with the stainless steel contraption into them mason jar)? I feel like I have missed something in previous videos, and have no idea about goats milk lol
We had Nubian goats years ago, when we were young (we're in our 70's now). What Sweeties they were. Just the other day, I was driving down a friend's road, and out of the brush, came a Momma Nubian, and then behind her came two Nubian youngsters. What a joy they are, and their milk is beyond yummy! We bought land back then, and were living in a wall tent for a couple of years, while we built our cabin, here in Alaska. One of my fondness memories was milking Momma, Star. It was dark out, with just one light to see. No fences, nothing. Just me and Star, and the Big Wilderness. It was a glorious time!