Are Raised Garden Beds SAFE from Groundhogs
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I remember as a kid seeing woodchucks sitting on top of fenceposts or in the low crotches of trees.
Lol my dog chased a young one up a tree once.
alan or steve
if they are too tall to jump in, they just go get a ladder…amazing creatures
I know it might be hard, but it’s time for a new dog ;0)
I have a ground hog that lives near one of my pear trees…..jumped out of the tree once while I was mowing…. scared the s#%* out of me
God creation so perfect …..
At least he wasn't chucking your wood…
He scampered up there quickly and easily, I was thinking he was going to make a nest there. Thanks for sharing.
Every time your videos pop up in My notifications I instantly get a huge grin.
Thank you for another delight Mark ! -KJ
He looks well fed
Wow. I put up a wooden fence to keep critters out (6' tall). I use fish emulsion on my garden. Critters love that. They just climb over and get in anyway. So much for the $$$$ to put that fence up lol.
Well…… didn't move in, at least…. This season I am ALL about the cover crops. I've done an entire plan based on how to fit them around the veggies!
I never knew how good they could climb until I saw one go up our Mulberry tree about 25 feet and just chill out there for a while. It looked like a little bear cub the way it went up the trunk.
just flair tge top