March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Everything You Need to Know About Planting Bare Root Asparagus

We are planting bare-root asparagus in today’s episode. We will be going through everything you need to know from planting time, soil prep, watering, fertilizing, harvesting, and more.

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Everything You Need to Know About Planting Bare Root Asparagus

  1. Great tips in this video ! I have established asparagus in my garden in an area which has been invaded by quack grass. Any recommendations as to how I should go about relocating them to another area which is free of the quack grass ? They are till dormant here in Wisconsin, soil is now thawed.

  2. Planted my bare root asparagus yesterday following episode suggestions. Noticed this morning soil rock hard from temperature at 28 degrees. Wondering if this will kill off the asparagus?

  3. HELP PLEASE. Planted Roots too deep on March 30th. Surrounding area is going to make crowns too deep if it leaks into them. I do have some boards separating them but just wondering can I dig them up, add more organic material under them and replant them without damaging them? If that's okay I think it would be the best thing.

  4. Used to have it in my backyard when our children were babies. Went to grow it last year and they disappeared. Well I found them. They are bare root in a bag bought at Lowe's. It's two years old now, should I still try our are they lost?

  5. Do you let the asparagus flower? Or do you trim it? I picked a few spears then the asparagus he bigger and had bunch of flowers on them

  6. I have some asparagus plants that I bought at the end of the season last year that were marked down on clearance are they still going to be good if I plant them now?

  7. I tried to plant asparagus last year and failed miserably. This year I decided to try again, and bought some from you. This video came out the week I need toplant them and I realized I had pretty much made every mistake last year. This year I followed your tips and have a bunch of sucessful babies!!!! Yay!!! Can't wait to eat them in a year or 2!

  8. I live in Puerto Rico I saw them in HomeDepot. The weather here is cool breezy 80F. At night it gets low 68F. It’s considered Spring here. During the day it’s breezy cool but sunny. My tomatoes and Peppers are doing well.

  9. Hi Luke,
    I’m planting my bare root Asparagus plants as well as seed starts in grow bags this year with the intentions that my wife and I are moving to our Dream Forever Home next year. I wanted to give some of my perennial vegetables and Fruit trees a year or 2 head starts.
    Is it ok to plant with closer spacing with the grow bags? I didn’t watch this video last week when I planted a bag of asparagus and I left the crowns exposed… going out now to cover them and hope for the best…

  10. Hey I planted my first second year asparagus roots (martha washington) this year and I am getting green shoots. We may have some more cold weather should I worry. I covered them in my raised bed with straw.

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