March 23, 2025

VIDEO: 16 SEEDS to Sow Indoors END MARCH in Zone 6 B

16 SEEDS to Sow Indoors END MARCH in Zone 6 B. See how EASY it can be to get a early start to your garden this year.

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21 thoughts on “VIDEO: 16 SEEDS to Sow Indoors END MARCH in Zone 6 B

  1. I really enjoy u vids and learn a lot. I know its all about soil. We keep rabbits and I raise composing worms under them we add all of our kitchen and garden waste and the worms are very happy
    That compost and castings are fantastic. . We start our seeds and topdress plants and they really grow happy and healthy.

  2. I use those mixing tubs all of the time here in 9b (Arizona). Wood chips are gold here and it’s my go to mulch and I bribe tree trimmers to dump their load in my driveway whenever I see them in my neighborhood. If I need a lot I put in requests via chip drop. Great video and thank you for sharing.

  3. Hey man I don't know if you've seen my other message. I need to create a plan for my tropical rainforest area type permaculture project I wonder if you could help me with that or give me a contact of someone who would help me with that it's a really big project and there are a lot of people involved we really need some guidance I would appreciate your help thank you so much

  4. Great advice mark as always!

    I'm thinking the washing of roots of store bought plants is excellent advice. Seems store bought plants take a bit longer to adapt to transplant since it might have alien microbes from greenhouse!

    We have 6 round raised "markfrom6b" beds now trying to add two a year!

    Be well my friend.

  5. Hi Mark, was thinking this video was going to be different.
    Got my seed starting ground leaves as per your instructions ready to plant into. This leaf grinding didnt go so easy with hardware cloth. I found that placing leaves in a metal wash tub and going at them with weed wacker, chopped up fast. Then through 1/4 inch hardware cloth worked really good.
    Did I miss something? You said you purchased worm castings. What happened to your huge worm bin you showed making?

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