March 23, 2025

VIDEO: This Simple HACK STOPS Seedling Damping OFF Attack

This Simple Garden HACK STOPS Seedling Damping OFF Attack

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: This Simple HACK STOPS Seedling Damping OFF Attack

  1. Great information!!! Got seedlings up, is it too late to do it now that they are up, or am I going to have to start over?
    I hope so, or it is rahafrasha time!

  2. Thanks as I said earlier but I was sleepyhead and only comment as thanks.
    My first year at lights and seed starting, Very excited about such a huge assortment of garden goodies.
    I believe I lost the first tray of seedlings due to"damping off or something moisture problem., I lost my early start plants for this season and will try your quarter inch of casting on a few seeds soon so I can apply this for a inproved early start next season
    I'm trying to get the living room into my garden knowledge and am trying Charles Dowinies from England compose cardboard way to garden in a few bed.
    I'm going with 36" wide beds for better reach and have 16" walkways which I getting cardboard and mulch.
    Because you use crop seeds that I just got to get out and find a source of I haven't started your system but still trying to get me something going such as your work.
    I'm mixing a few sun flowers into m crop of peppers and tomatoes and s trying to be a better stewart of my tiny back yard garden.
    Yes I'm going try that worm castings and let good bacteria fight with me.
    My compose over cardboard and leat mulch does add a lot of worms so I am moving into the right direction,
    " SIR, Thanks for teaching"

  3. Right, where's my bucket…? I had been wondering for a long time whether perfectly-sterilised compost brought new problems with it – and apparently, yes! I don't think there are that many worm-casts on my plot, so I will set up one of those holey worm-buckets, sunk into the ground. I also like that it will be prepping the plants for 'real' life in the soil. A new experiment suggests itself…

  4. Another channel suggested a layer of vermiculite on top will do the same thing. Hmmm…envisioning a future test with straight potting soil vs. covering seeds with 1/4” of worm castings vs. 1/4” of vermiculite! Thanks for all the interesting ideas in your videos!

  5. I just learned that predator mites, Hypoaspis Mites, will kill the larvae of fungus gnats which pleague seedlings. Once established in growing mix they self perpetuate feeding on dead matter in the sowing/growing mix. You can innocutate left over growing mix with a small pinch & then add it to the new bag the following year for continued use year to year. The mites can be ordered on-line. They arrive in a tube, mixed in a medium, making them easier to disperse.

  6. I already have failed and patchy germination from, I believe, damping off. I’m going to start over, I’ll throw out the starter mix, but what is the best way to clean the trays so I know the mold is gone. Is it even necessary?

  7. yarn makes great string line, Ive been cutting rows over weed whacked cover crops in raised beds, I then use a metal cutting blade turned sideways [ not all have that feature] to cut furrows for my seeds, works good, i also use a waist high 3/4 inch pvc pipe to drop seeds into position and then drop compost/worm casting directly over each seed. im feeling the years and have to make things easier on my body, I love this time of year

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