If you’ve never grown your own strawberries prepare to be amazed, because homegrown strawberries have a taste that is truly beyond compare.
Strawberries are one of the easiest fruits to grow, so let’s get you started on the path to gastronomic bliss! In this short video we’ll show you everything you need to know to grow your own delicious strawberries.
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I have watched your video on propagating strawberry plants from runners and managed to get 10 babies this year. They are currently all in small tubs. I have got a small raised bed. I am not sure I am going to fit them all in to be honest. The mums are in containers and I think I will leave them there. Is there a best time of year to transplant them into a raised bed?
Also, I did find black bugs that looked like spiders or mites with bright white eggs on one leaf on one parent plant. I have just removed them with gloves as I prefer not to use any chemicals. Is that right or will I now have an ongoing problem? Sorry a few questions there. Help appreciated.
I have a cat that hates birds, not sure if it has anything to do with the cat accidently being castrated by a racoon but this cat is mean, it will tear up the birds and leave them in the sun to dry. Anyway my strawberries are growing well this year thanks to the racoon.
When is the best time of the year to germinate strawberries seeds in London, UK ? Thanks in advance
Lovely efforts thanks
Growing strawberries but I picked a strawberry at the wrong time and It was Sour
I am in west Africa and strawberry plants are very new here. I got some and have a question about the fertilizer. I have horse – and chicken manure. Can both be used for strawberries?
We grew and sold strawberries when I was a kid. They grow All by themselves, just water, weed, and thin every two years. No need to ever move them. I don't think wqe ever did that and they were great. Yes I have my strawberry bed now, and just keep the weeds at bay and all is good.
About to start a farm in Colorado. We are going to try and grow some strawberry and raspberry. +1like +1sub Thanks for the Great guide!
Why do you have to replace after 3 years?
This blewww
I'm going to grow some from seed this year any tips on protecting them from vine weevil they've killed every strawberry plant I've had.
My potted strawberries just started flowering but some of the leaves has holes in them should i be worried
Every time I hear your voice I think of the Great British Baking Show
question !!! i live in new york, on a very wet property. i was thinking about planting a LOT of strawberries this year, but with chickens, other birds, and a weird amount of spiders in the yard, (not to mention deer), im worried theyll all be spoiled before harvesting. so ive been thinking about building a platform and green house, with raised beds and everything. would it be okay to grow them in a greenhouse? and if not are there any other ideas you could throw my way? these videos have been so helpful already!! thank you!!!
I used this to grow the candy strawberries that I got at a limited time at my grocery. They were huge and sweet! I must keep them so I learned how to grow them!
Thank you!
Good reminder on multiple types and ripening times. Crucial goal for most produce other than nuts, garlic, shallots…easy LT storage stuff.
I'm new at growing strawberries the last time I tried the ants got them do thank you i will grow the ever bearing and the other one u mentioned ty so I
what if u don't have enough sun? I live on the coast
thank youuuu
Should I dig up last years plants, divide them, put more soil etc in the ground and then plant again? It's February in Maryland USA
When is the best time to start germination?
marshmallow i like best its beginning of march and i can taste them now carnt wait for them to grow ordered some different ones from suttons for this year so will be growing quite a few different ones
EXCELLENT video – thank you!