September 28, 2024

VIDEO: How to Control Pests Organically and Safely Using BT Spray

In this eopisode I will show you how to use BT spray to safely reduce pests that are chewing caterpillars. Peaches, apples, cherries, pears, plums, tomatoes, brassicas (broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts) and many more crops can be benefited.

Thank you Ez-Flo! For a EZ-Flo hose injector check out:

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Control Pests Organically and Safely Using BT Spray

  1. Would love to win this system. Been using a small spray bottle in my garden for a long time. Long time viewer, long time fan, thanks for everything you do for the Gardening community!

  2. My only issue with BT is that it kills caterpillars and we have a very large butterfly and native pollinator garden.

    If you have a big diversity of plants, you don't need to use anything. Last year was the first year that I sprayed nothing on my plants. I used red ball sticky traps for my fruit trees but the garden got nothing sprayed on it and I had my best ever pepper and tomato harvest. And in the process we raised over 500 monarchs in a grow rent

  3. Is that hose head sprayer part of the system? i am about to buy one and do not know if the hose head attachment is part of it. If not what brand is that so i dont buy cheap junk?

  4. I am a new gardener. Have been learning a lot from you. Thank you. The problem is that I don’t understand a lot of your abbreviations you use in your videos. I am curious about BT. What is it? Where/how can I get it to treat my plants? I have a lot of pests in my garden.

  5. I've had 3 cut worms in a container and fed them tomatoes soaked in Bt and they've been eating on it for 2 weeks and are still alive and happy. BT does not work on cutworms.

  6. I don't grow any brassica varieties but still have the little green cabbage loopers all over my tomato and cucumber plants. I also found a tomato horn worm eating my sweet potato vines this morning

  7. Why has noone figured out how to cultivate your own BT? It's just a bacteria right? We know how to make lots of lactobacillus. There are yogurt making videos all over. We know how to make yeasts. There are tons of videos on fermenting all manner of things. We even know how to make acetobacter. There are all manner of videos on how to make vinegar. Why nothing on making BT? I don't want to keep sending money to some corporation for my pest control.

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