February 25, 2025

VIDEO: How To Start A No Dig Garden (From Start to Finish)

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Start A No Dig Garden (From Start to Finish)

  1. Really great demo on how to do a No dig garden. Thank you. Great job!
    For all the persons poking at him about "digging" first…..removing trees you want to relocate and rocks in your way is not the same as digging a space for a garden. No one gets to skip those steps of removing stone and small trees. If you have ever put in a garden from scratch then you KNOW this was WAY easier! The method I learned growing up is back breaking work that continues with weeding and weeding and oh yeah weeding some more. I've enjoyed my no dig garden and it only gets better every year. Try it!

  2. I had a piece of cardboard on my hard packed gravel driveway for a few months this summer and when I moved it there were dozens of huge night crawlers on the surface and you could've planted a garden right there. The six chickens couldn't eat all the worms there. But they tried.

  3. i'm confused. how is the cardboard as a base necessary? can't you just pile up the soil on the original ground? or is it just to save up on time and energy?

  4. In my garden, in the fall, I dig a few holes — maybe 12" by 12" — about 5 feet apart, cover each with a board so as not to accidently step into one plus keeps critters out, and that's where veg scraps go, plus any trash fish I catch. The worms are delighted, and in turn they produce nutrient-rich castings (poop) and crawlers for fishing. In goes newspapers as well, to retain water.
    I also put old carpet over the area which I find on the curb, when someone throws it out. Doesn't matter the condition.
    This keeps the weeds completely eliminated, and also holds in moisture, and attracts worms.
    Bear in mind I do this in the fall so any chemicals are leached out of the carpet all winter, and the carpet is saturated with moisture. I use broken down cardboard boxes too.
    I add some horse manure too, for nitrogen, but not too much.

  5. What type of soil did you put down like is it prescrened or just compost or what? Was it wood chips you put in the lanes or something else? And where did you get roll of cardboard as I am doing the saving Amazon boxes method. The marking of lines using the attachment on rake is pure genius.

  6. Me encanta como este hombre hace este trabajo le queda impecable, voy a probar a ver que tal me va con su técnica, estoy fascinada, te felicito y gracias por compartir tus valiosos conocimientos

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