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Where do you get your gauze jumpers? If you did, I missed it.
You are the Gardner of my heart Jess
Ordered my stickers!!!! They are gorgeous, couldn’t resist ordering
I just love yall! You are a HUGE inspiration for my gardening happiness. Thank you!
I grew up in Oswego, NY on Lake Ontario, my dad planted Dahlias one year and we didn't know you were supposed to dig them up, they came back 2 years in a row. We get a lot of snow up there, so that must have been it.
JESS: Where did you get your overalls? They are so cute and perfect for the farm/garden!!

Jill can always send u cutting
Guazie jumpers are cool. So comfortable
Is Jill going to call ur place whispering willows farm??? She needs to plant a big willow tree or trees
ur stickers
U just have a green thumb Jess
U have a new blank canvas to create now. But I know it’s hard to let go. I have to grieve the old. That’s life
Those stickers are awesome, thanks for the video.
I have learned that if you have a light that you can adjust up and down is the best for seed starting. Having the lights low to the soil and gradually moving up makes a thicker stock.
I saw con in the back of your video and for a second I thought he was one of the Alpacas
Will the alpacas have a difficult time adjusting to South Carolina? I hope you get to keep them!
What is going to happen with Bentern? Is he staying in Arkansas?
The message of this video today is one of the most important concepts that we can learn. That when the "results" of our plans and efforts don't seem to match our "expectations" very well, it may be wise to look for the greater gift they bring. A shortcoming in out "immediate" plan may indeed bring us a glimpse of something that is a greater piece of wisdom. We all trudge through life doing what we think is right and important, and fall short of some of our expectations. Perhaps the real purpose of the episode is to remind us we aren't the "boss", we are just a participant in a greater picture. Our "failures" are often a chance to express our resilience. I have experienced that many times, and things rend to work out in good waysthat we see down the road, if we look. This video made me laugh! As I heard you talk of plans gone awry, and goals not fully met, I thought of my own memories of such events. When I was about 50, I began so see some of the value of lessons learn, great or painful. The "bits" of wisdom I had learned began to some together, and a broader wisdom came to be, or at least started to become clearer. My ideas of what was "really important" and what was "just daily life" bean to change. At 72, more of my "failures" can istead be seen as just falling short of MY expectations. And I often see some good that came to me, or often others as a result. An opportunity to give to others, or to teach what I have learned (as you freely do) is one of those "greater goods" that can come from sharing our experiences with others. Also at about age 50, I met a traditional Cherokee elder who helped me put life experiences in perspective. And a phrase she often used was "for the greater good of all, today and for 7 generations to come". And isn't that what it's all about? I will try to leave this world a better place that when I came to it. My garden is a great place to learn how. Its lessons can be hard, but its treasures are huge! Thank you for reminding me to reflect, and plant a marigold among my vegetables.
Please never stop what you’re doing I love all your vlogs and your passion for finding beauty in everything, thank you Jess and Miah xx
I absolutely love all the stickers in this collection! I wonder if you guys can have the artists create an iPhone background with the same design because I'd love to have it as my wallpaper on my phone it is so cute!!!!
Are you taking your animals with you or did you sell your farm with the animals ?good luck on your new property .