March 18, 2025

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: 2 Ways to Plant Tomatoes for Best Results

  1. I can’t believe that Luke doesn’t put anything in the holes, or treat the roots with Mykos! I put Epsom Salt and crushed up Egg Shells in each hole and I sprinkle the moistened roots with Mykos. Not trying to brag, but I’ve won six awards for my tomatoes, so I’m sticking with my method!

  2. I always remove lower leaves and plant deeper, but I place the removed leaves in the planting hole to act as fertilizer as they slowly break down. I figure the plant should have use of the nutrients in the leaves it spent energy growing.

  3. Luke, great vid and instruction as always. Trench method for this Southerner seems to also have benefit of root growth in my “black gold” organic soil because as I dig deeper, I tend to get into more inorganic soil, clays in my Southern Piedmont climate. Looking forward to Home Grown Tomatoes,…listen to The Blue Dogs’ song sometime.

  4. For the second lay down trench method I saw a tip where you lay the plant down for a few days before planting. The top of the plant will then naturally bend towards the light and you then don't need to bend the plant as much and so reduce the risk of snapping the plant.

  5. A few of my tomato plants grew way too tall really fast this year, so for the first time I tried the horizontal method. So far so good, but it's only been a week. Also, I laid my plants sideways for a few days before I planted them so that they started to grow upright. This reduced the need to bend the plant when putting it in the ground.

  6. So informative, thank you! My question is about trench spacing: Say, like in the video, you want to 18" between each plant. Is that measured from root to root? Or from where the plant is above the soil?

  7. I dk if any1 can help me out i think somethings up with my soil and im unsure of what to do. Everything I plant this year seems to be dying of root/stem rot what am I doing wrong? I've been growing stuff my whole life and never have seen this its been since we moved to this new house

  8. I have seen a lot of controversy about loose soil / airating it around. I see that your soul does not look as packed as my garden, should I be airating the soil before planting?

  9. Dig a deep hole add water put the tomato plant in cover it up add water but something around it so it can grow up tall and leave it alone keep the runners cut off you don't have to have a college degree to learn how to plan a tomato plant. My mom always dusted with 7 she was born in 1908 and she died 102 years later . She had the most beautiful tomatoes ever all kinds of tomatoes

  10. So my tomatoe size is like the one your holding at the beginning of your video but not as healthy, yet it set a fruit? Should i pick it and let it grow bigger leaves or leave it alone. The plant is just 8 inches tall, Leaves are a bit yellow but I think it is transplanting shot, also never again I will use peatmoss pots.

  11. If my 14 tomato seedlings grow up to a few inches, I would apply the traditional method if the plants would be determinate(the leaves are closer) so that I would get a maximum yield in the future.

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