March 24, 2025

VIDEO: The BIGGEST Flower Day of the Year, And Our Tulips Are TOO SHORT!
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Mother’s Day is the biggest flower day of the year, and to prepare for that, we planted thousands of tulip bulbs. But they all ended up too short, and bloomed way too early. So now we are scrambling to find SOMETHING that we can still sell, so we can take advantage of the great flower sales for our flower farm. Luckily, the seedling sale is still going strong, and we are getting lots of sales. Also – more greenhouses!!!

Ian and Serina of YOU CANT EAT THE GRASS feel that every small change can make a big difference to the world we live in. Every garden planted leads to a better future. We hope to inspire and motivate others to make positive changes in their lives by sharing our journey towards greater sustainability as we build our family farm. It’s hard work to build a life worth living, and completely worth it!

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13 thoughts on “VIDEO: The BIGGEST Flower Day of the Year, And Our Tulips Are TOO SHORT!

  1. The little mini sized tulips would make gorgeous little corsages or boutonnieres for weddings. You could also make miniature arrangements for toddler age kids to give to their moms.

  2. Lovely video, the tulip bulbs came in different sizes which relates to height. I love bleeding heart, but be careful every part is poisonous & can be very irritant to the skin. keep up the good work

  3. I know exactly what you mean listening to certain audiobooks while gardening. I don't have issues as far as customers but I live in a residential area and there are kids going up and down my street for the last two months I've been listening to midnight sun Edwards version of twilight…

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