March 23, 2025


HOW to ENSURE a BIG POTATO HARVEST FREE HACK. You will find this to do so simple and easy.

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  1. Thanks Mark. I was wondering if you can talk about your fencing around your property. What do you do to keep deer's and other animals out?

  2. It's a little difficult for me to get cardboard, have you ever heard of anyone using the red rosin construction paper for mulching a garden? it's from recycled paper and I am not sure if it would be safe to use. What do you think?

  3. Hi Mark, thank you for great videos as always. Do you have any videos that covers your beginning years. I have around 1 acre that was previously used for commercial farming with heavy tilling. The soil is so compact, full of weeds. I mowed it all and now I am unsure how to restore and what crops to begin with. Will be thankful for guidance.

  4. I enjoy your videos, but I'm frustrated that you produce what seems like "the end result" without having videos of the steps you took getting this point?? It might seem trivial the steps before, but they would help a great deal for newbies like myself for getting started.

  5. Thx Mark, good luck with the harvest the spuds are looking great! Been following the "teachings" of Charles Dowding for a good few years myself so cardboard features in a lot of my gardening, great stuff!

  6. Thanks, Mark! Is it important to let the potatoes grow for a month before you mulch them? Could you mulch them when you plant them?

  7. As much as I like using cardboard, I hate having to peel off the packing tape, labels, etc. because it can be an enormous amount of frustrating work to get it all completely off. As a result, I tend to use cardboard that doesn't come with any of that stuff. Pizza boxes are great. Plus there are lots of other molded cardboard items that I will save if it is plastic free. But, by and large, if it's a box with lots of tape and labels, I toss it.

  8. Hi Mark, when using leaves do you have to shred them at all? I just got tons off leaves that I am using and normally I would cut them up with my weed eater but didn't have time this go around. Will the leaves mat up and cause problems? thanks R

  9. mark , have you ever grown buckwheat in between your rows of potatoes , i saw one video where you planted field beans to deter the beetles

  10. I just found your channel a few days ago. Lots of good info in your videos. Thanks a lot. i noticed you use lots of leaves. I live in zone 7 in TN., and have problems with ants. Lots of ants and they love leaves. Black ants and lots of red fire ants. Any advice on how to deal with them. They are a pain in more ways than one.

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