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hydrate or dydrate!!!
thnk you u are so kind
I’m getting scapes in Michigan in May…. it’s usually the mid/end of June and I harvest in July for us….. I’m shocked!
Hi Jess! Thank you for sharing!
Hi Jess, do you think that you guys are going to do a detached root cellar at your new property??? If so I would LOVE to get to watch the process unfold! :o)
what is the tatoo on your left arm….may I ask…sorry if rude….looks like Wider Jill….?
Hello Folks,
So my garlic is 41inches high nice and green but I got curious and picked a few and they are small…
Basil do smell really good
Bury my face in it. Lol.
What kind of basil is that, that you picked?
Berries like blackberries, raspberries, blue berries will release very easily when they are ripe. Like that one blackberry that just fell off. You barely have to pull them.
Darn…I wanted another "in the kitchen" video of the pesto making for dinner!
I love the smell of basil too. I also use my cinnamon basil in cut arrangements. The purple flowers are gorgeous in a cut arrangement.
I use sunflower seeds in my pesto. It's very yummy!!!
I love you, Jess! Picking important things that sometimes we overlook. I work in 140 degree temperatures sometimes and you can stand there and just have sweat pour off you, not doing a thing, and hydration is utmost important. God bless.
I love the smell of basil too. Soap made with basil makes for a comforting shower.
…black hollyhocks…love the way you just slip that gorgeous flower in for another day of viewing pleasure!!! Thanks so much
I agree pesto is good with walnuts but my favorite is made with raw cashews! So good!
I miss your chalk board messages in your garden. How about writing on it: "Making The Most of the Garden – The Summer of Volunteers" or if that's too long maybe split it into two quotes posted one at a time?
What nasturtiums are those???
I just ordered my shirts.