March 23, 2025

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Make and Perform a Tick Drag

  1. In Colorado… usually ticks aren’t a huge problem for some reason. I have only ever seen a handful my entire life. Well my mom’s dog just got one and my daughter caught on on her bed not knowing what it was. I was like “that’s a tick!! But good catch..”. Obviously carried inside somehow. Now I know that flame… or 5 days in a Tupperware container will kill them.

    Might be a bad season this year…

  2. I did a lot of research last year and found some perennials that supposedly help deter ticks so I am planting those around the border of my property (pyrethrum, rue, beauty berries…) and keeping the grass low at all times has made a huge difference too.

  3. Even little wildlife like squirrels & feral cats will probably be a source of ticks, fleas & maybe even chiggers (in some regions they are called "redbugs" or "jiggers" rather than chiggers).

  4. I make a tick drag several times a day. Every time I go outside! I drag myself across the yard!
    When I lived in Oregon, an older man told me to take B-1 (Thiamine) and a B Complex vitamin. It makes you less tasty to ticks! It has worked very well for me. You have to start taking it about a month before tick season to get it into your system! Really helps!
    The OLD regular Skin So Soft from Avon is THE best tick & Mosquito repellent!! Absolutely the BEST! And its non toxic! GOD bless

  5. I’m sure this question isn’t part of your show today but I am in search of “Holy Basil seeds”. The Holy Basil. Not Thai basil. I have looked everywhere I know. Do you have any, or know where I can get any. ?

  6. My friend has an awful time with chiggers getting on him. For some unknown reason, chiggers seem to like him. I looked up solutions to his problem and discovered that farmers and ranchers would keep an old sock, filled with sulfur, in the truck and dust their boots and the bottom of their pants before they went out into the fields to work. My friend may try that this year. One precaution, you don't want to get any of that sulfur on your skin, it itches like crazy.

  7. For those who live in a place that you can get livestock, try getting fowl and let them free range. I used to get ticks on me every year. The bite sites would itch for months, and I’d even scratch them bloody in my sleep. That’s until we got chickens, ducks and geese. No ticks on me or my dog since then.

  8. Very good chance that you got your ticks from your dog. He plays in tall grass and collects them, then comes in to play with you and you get them on you. Very little chance there will be ticks in such short grass that you are dragging this over. Plus, you dont do something like this in sneakers and shorts. If you think you have ticks in your backyard, you wear pants and boots when you drag material. And better yet, stick your pants into your boots as ticks will travel up in 99% of the time so if pants inside of your boots, its that much more time you have to remove them before they are on your body.

  9. We get tons and tons of ticks each year out in the country.I’ve tried deet, wondercide… all the sprays. Nothing works really good in my experience. The best bet is to frequently check, change your cloths when you get inside and put your clothes in the wash ASAP. They love to hide on clothes and your neck, head and hairline. I hate ticks. We are trying to let our chickens free range this year to eat them and trying DE. I’ve never heard of a tick drag. Interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  10. any season is tick season- many years ago, after an hour hike down a path around pine trees in 3" of snow..and I had at least 2 walking on my jeans.
    so always check snow or summer!

  11. Possums eat ticks, also, besides chickens and Guineas.
    In the Spring especially, laying a blanket in the yard and catching sun or a quick nap can attract ticks via the warmth of your body. Pick up the blanket, and take it inside, and you may have brought in ticks.
    Also, US blood supply doesn't test for Lyme. Now we have Covid to add to worries.
    I have Lyme. 50% get the Bulleye rash. I did, but most Doctors aren't trained to treat Lyme, and the testing isn't good. It's designed to be nebulous imo. An author said if you test positive for 1 body part, believe you have Lyme. Ie: #41 is the Spirochete flagella. A book I read by an MD said it was made in a lab on Plum Island, Ct., a bioweapon that is weaponized Syphilis. Yes. It's a cousin of Syphilis. Joint pain. Fluid from knees to feet frim inflammation as these spirochetes eat your connective tissue. They eat and travel.
    Over 100 poss. Symptoms. 60 +poss co.-infections.
    You can pass it with fluids.

    Dr. Cowden uses herbal supplements to kill 96?% of it. It's a stealth organism.
    70% get hard Arthritis. Fatigue, joint pain and brain fog are the most common symptoms. Asians have come here testing positive, bitten by gnats. It has spread to fleas, etc.

    If you hear your area doesn't have ticks with Lyme, or some MD wants to throw a lot of antibiotics your way, run. Yes. A lot of ignorance and denial. Not fun when you need answers and feel miserable. Arthritis needs a dry cold and a sunny place for heat to reduce pain.
    Doxycycline for example causes a defense move of the organism throwing down tiny particles of DNA which grow into adults.
    A chemist online gave 3? Meds taken in cycle.
    Dr. David McDonald, a Patholigist, did autopsies on the brains of people who died of Alzheimer's. 7 of 10 had Lyme in the brain.

    An epidemic.
    Children in Lyme, Ct. got a 'new disease' of joint pain, etc. Hence the name Lyme disease. Plum Island bioweapons lab was right across the Bay. I bet they were guinea pigs for experiments like the Tuskegee shame of injecting black inmates to see how untreated syphilis looked. Maybe it was put in some special school vaccines.

    A natural Lavender bug spray from Dancing Light Ranch in Oregon contains an aloe vera base, with Lavender, Lemongrass, Citronella, Rosemary and Tea tree oil.
    I spray it on my hands and rub the smell on my neck, arms and ankles….when gardening.
    A Zapper helps. Good diet. Walks, or Vit. D AND OXYGEN…Sleep.

  12. We live in the country and have LOTS of ticks here! I have found an early application of a product called Mosquito Barrier works wonders as a repellent. It is a strong liquid concentration of garlic that is diluted and applied in a tank sprayer. After an hour or so, the garlic smell is undetectable to humans, but it repels mosquitos and ticks (and armadillos surprisingly!) for about 3 months. It has no impact on other insects or wildlife either. Win, win!!!

  13. I had thousands of ticks last year…. my tomato plants could not be touched without getting a few on your hands. My concrete apron had multiple crawling at a time, it was insane. I used that simple big box store killer and did 2 applications, all of them disappeared. This was all in a suburb with some overgrown areas, but not heavy woods or forest. I was amazed how well it worked for how bad the infestation was……

  14. I work for Federal highways. There are ticks out on the hot asphalt. Ticks go anywhere. Though I dont put poison in my yard or gardens, I put Deep Woods Off on my shoes/boots, lower legs, and pant legs at work. We all do on the crew. That's the oy thing we e found that works out there.

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