March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Goodbye, Old House. | VLOG

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Goodbye, Old House. | VLOG

  1. My grandmother was sickly quite young and she read voraciously. She would say that she could travel anywhere when reading her books. I picked up her love of reading. And my son picked up my love of reading, though he’s stepped away from it at the moment. I know one day he’ll be back

  2. Jess this is one of the reasons why I like watching your channel you’re a sweet wonderful young lady and at times you bring tears to my eyes I love you I wish you weren’t moving so far away because I moved to Arkansas back in March and was hoping to meet you someday you’re a wonderful child of God we love you and have a safe trip and a good restart at your new place

  3. Jess, I TOTALLY understand where you are coming from! I have plants given to me from my Dad's first cousin. He is gone now but the connection lives on. It is wonderful to travel down memory lane with you! May God bless the new people who will live in that cherished house!

  4. Very cool! We have pieces of my grandparent's lilac bush, the one I grew up smelling every year in Ohio. I can't wait for them to start blooming so I can feel a piece of my Ohio childhood here in SC. Memories are beautiful things! I hope those tree starts go well for you and you can bring them with you to SC! ❤️

  5. The part about the oak tree seedlings brought tears to my eyes. You are a wonderful person. I love watching your videos. I’ve been an avid gardener all my life (47 years old). I know a lot about gardening, but you teach me new stuff all the time. Thank you. Also I love your vocabulary.

  6. Those oaks should grow well in South Carolina. We had big oaks in our yard growing up. I had seedlings when we sold the house after my father passed but, they were planted in a different home I was living at then. I wish I could get more now we have our new home and property. I've thought about talking to new owners and see if I could get more.

  7. A generation is the number of years it takes for someone to be born, grow up and have children, 20-30 years. If your family has been in Arkansas for a few generations, that is less than 100 years.

  8. A neighbor across the street died many years ago – I recall when we first moved to this house he described and showed us the massive oak he planted years and years previous on the edge of his property – but – his new neighbors didn't like trees, cut all theirs down, then forced him to allow half to be lopped off because the acorns were damaging their stupid cars. Today – the squirrels bring his acorns from his tree, plant them in my yard (and in my planters LOL) – so there! 🙂 Wonderfully moving post – thank you from Quebec Canada.

  9. Lovely to see you making memories with your father. I will be praying for him and for you. Your laughter and spirit is a delight that blesses each one of us. Your pin oak story is wonderful. I once wanted a tree outside my bedroom window to block the sun while I had my coffee. Although an avid Gardner like yourself I did not plant this tree. It is a pin oak that grows so fast, with such large leaves that turn red in the fall uncommon in California. I give thanks to my lord for his many blessings including this pin oak. God’s hand is on you and Jeremiah and your dreams. Go forward in faith knowing he has prepared this new place for you and your boys…

  10. There was a pin oak tree in my parents’ front yard. The top of it could be seen from all over the downtown area in their little town of close to 4,000 people. My mother died in 2002. Dad had passed six years earlier. Mother gave each of my children (a daughter and a son), special antique beds and other antique pieces, too. They each made a few trips back to their grandparents’ home before I sold it. (I had no siblings).
    My son is definitely more sentimental than his sister.
    My dad had an old cast iron dinner bell mounted on a tall post in their back yard in town. My son wanted that. My daughter wouldn’t have ever wanted it. She did keep a set of china that was her grandmother’s. It’s interesting seeing the differences in the likes and dislikes of my children. My husband and I gave them the 60 acre farm where I was raised before my parents retired to city life. (They had given it to us when we were in our early twenties, but we didn’t move there. He would use it for hunting). I think they will sell it once I’m gone.

    You were very wise to be a voracious reader! That was great advice! Prayers for your father. There are wonderful treatments for cancer now. Cancer took several of my mother’s siblings. They had no chemo treatments available to them.

    Good luck to you and your aunt and uncle, as you each move in different directions! (While I live in the northern Midwest, I have cousins in Kansas and one of my dearest cousins lives in Ft. Smith, AR. Small world)!

  11. Your making us cry alot lately Jess,and then to see your smiling face after all of it..You make the emotional feelings of my life worth feeling melancholy…thanks Jess, God bless you and your family ,on this next chapter in your life..
    Jeannie, CA

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