March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Is GARLIC a COVER CROP and Building Garden SOIL 101

Is GARLIC a COVER CROP and Building Garden SOIL 101. See how fantastic is is to learn How it works. SIMPLE and EASY.

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Is GARLIC a COVER CROP and Building Garden SOIL 101

  1. Great content and valuable information as usual. Thank you. You're looking good and healthy too. I'm joking but you look like you could be related to Farmer Fred. Love both of your channels.

  2. Hi Mark,
    I was wondering could you do another raised bed Hugelculture? This time with a twist. One of the end pieces could be removable. And against that piece would be a sheet of plexiglass. That way we could see the break down process with out digging out the bed. Also with this cross section you could show us how deep the roots of the winter rye reach. I hope you consider this suggestion. Cheers,

  3. Man oh man that was a beautiful root system you pulled out of the ground. Also, do you have ay idea how long after harvest the fungi left in the soil without living roots remains viable?

  4. At 6:17 when you show the winter rye in the raised bed It seems to have it's seed head. Aren't you supposed to cut it before the seed head forms? I'm thinking about sowing some winter rye this year in my beds.

  5. Another great educational video Mark. I was contemplating growing some garlic for a few different reasons. Glad I don't have to look up the AMF chart. Those strawberries sounded pretty good lol. You reap what you sow… Yummy, cheers again mate!!

  6. If you like fresh garlic, you can leave some bulbs in the ground. They will regrow in bunches, so next year you can harvest them green or transplant separately. I keep transplanting some, so now I have more and more bunches of garlic growing in my garden, while eating more and more green garlic.

  7. Thank you Mark! Having been doing this unknowingly by interplanting garlic and tomatoes. I am getting onion maggots now, Really strange for a home garden. The damage is not that big, but you do see the pupa in the garlic heads.

  8. How do you figure out it was Japanese beetles eating the strawberry leaves? I can never see what demolishes the entire leaf sometimes.

  9. Mark, you're looking so healthy! And there's an amazing improvement in your soil compared to when you started making videos! My garlic has just barely started forming scapes … if I want to harvest scapes but leave the garlic to bulb up, when would you cut the scapes for cooking (is there a better time for flavor from scapes?) Loved the foxes video too!

  10. As a new gardener in the PNW I'm looking at trying this method. I live where there is VERY sandy soil. Also I'm in 8b. I was wondering if you'd still recommend this type of gardening and if you had any other kind of soil tips for a sandy 8b area. One last thing I think I understand what a cover crop is but I was wondering if you might give a definition to it. Thank you for making these videos, I appreciate it.

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