Only a 30 day video this week. And although grass is kinda boring the roots look cool
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Time Lapses, Macro and Other cool stuff
What plant is this, rice?
If only golfers could view this – they might concentrate a little harder.
70 cows like this.
We are literally watching grass grow.
Weird but mine isn't growing
Like small water drops dripping down a car window
Strawberry please
I love your videos and I even tried to make my own but how do you pollinate the plants
과학선생님.. 기억해냈습니다..
Can you show how many plants you have grown
Can you grow madagascar periwinkle? Please??
Grow corn Time lapse until fully grown
How to plant grass, successfully
It shows soil holding capacity of grass
“Let’s watch the grass grow. It’d be more exciting than the play here today.”
~David Feherty
Even watching paint dry on this channel would be interesting
It just me that don't like see this thing below the grass
you expected its just grass, but no, its grass but as long as wheat lol
Man you should also mention environment conditions for growing of plant
How do you make you're timelapses you're doing great im grown melons and all 4 sprouted yay!
That grass needs a grasscut
I swear I saw a tiny bug eat roots at the end
Bro seeds name
now i know the grass has seed
This is actually a pretty good illustration of how grass can help prevent erosion.