March 18, 2025

VIDEO: Butterfly Life Cycle Project: From Caterpillar to Chrysalis to Butterfly, Amazing to Watch!

We got this caterpillar to butterfly kit as a fun way to grow our own butterflies then free them into our garden to help pollinate the plants. In this video I show how to set up the butterfly kit. Then we follow the caterpillars as they turn into chrysalises and then into beautiful Painted Lady butterflies. This kit is from and you can reorder more caterpillars whenever you want…except if the weather is under 40 degrees or over 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
Here are Amazon links to the kit and refills:
Butterfly Kit:
Caterpillars without kit:

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: Butterfly Life Cycle Project: From Caterpillar to Chrysalis to Butterfly, Amazing to Watch!

  1. That was a sweet video, I especially liked the part where you released them into your garden. I've always thought it interesting, from a gardeners point of view, that pesky plant eating caterpillars end up being prolific pollinators.

  2. Loved watching this! For many years I would bring in Black Swallowtail caterpillars to raise. (Saved them from predators). I used several large pop-up mesh containers and fed them parsley that I knew didn't have any pesticides used. I would put the parsley in lidded bowls (with a hole cut in lid to poke the parsley stems in) so I could change parsley when needed and the water kept it fresh. Yes, they poop A LOT!!! I placed paper towels on the mesh bottom so I could change it daily. I released the butterflies into the garden after they emerged and were wing-ready.

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