So many thanks to those who have shows us a warm and hospitable welcome to South Carolina!
In this video are
Chris (Single Dad Homesteading):
Jesse (The Farther You Go):
Beginner gardening course with Roots and Refuge and Whispering Willow:
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Wow, you guys did an amazing job on the entry and the rest of the land. Jesse will love it.
Love Love Love it ♥ Jess gonna be so happy ♥. You two are so Blessed to have each other ♥ Can't wait to watch your journey ♥
ROFL……. cream your coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the Carolinas!
Y’all got a lot done! That entrance is beautiful and says “ Welcome home”!
Great vlog Miah Wishing you smooth progress and safe moving. Liz
Way to go, Spencer!! Way to represent that South Carolina friendliness!!
Nicely done
Y’all- that’s some gorgeous property!!
Could you share the company where you bought your home from?
I love your videos and now am excited to take your journey with your new home in South Carolina. I have been following another homesteading family on YouTube, "Living Traditions Homestead". They say that a great start for supplying your own meat is to raise rabbits. You might mention to your new neighbor to check out their videos.
Yo Spencer! Haha, cool buddy
Is water available all around there? In Pacific NW it pays to have the ground witched to find the pockets of water so you don't drill a dry hole.
Semper Fi! I’m a Marine Mom!
Around 10:50 when he talked about his daughter joining 4-H I got really exited! I did Georgia 4-H from 5th-12th grade and I'm working for them. I got the chance to go to camp for 3 of the 6 weeks and I got to hopefully positively change the life of 31 4th-8th grade boys in the 3 weeks. I hope that they will continue to be in 4-H, come back to camp, and even become the next camp councilors after they graduate HS
Looking good! Entrance way looks awesome!!
Good neighbors are such a blessing
Miah I’m so happy to have watched throughout the years and see you get more comfortable with the camera and see you transform to this where you spearhead your own videos, it’s not just Jess ft her family anymore it’s now Jess and miah ft their family
Get some goats move them around the eat the grass give milk,cheese .
Wow what a beautiful piece of land
How much does drilling a well cost? Just curious…
The entrance is so beautiful. You've done so much on your homestead. Best of luck to your family.
That was a great video, you guys got through a lot of work. I missed this vid, glad I picked it up. I think you did really well with the camera work, so don't worry about it. Take care
Hi Spencer!! Welcome to the R&R community/family! Love your hair! Great job helping your neighbour. You are a sweet boy.
good video
Oh my goodness, I love the new farm. I can’t wait to see it all come together. Congratulations to you all on this new chapter in your lives, I am so excited for y’all!