March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Planting Sweet Potato Slips in Straw Bales and Raised Beds | Who will WIN!?!

#StrawbaleGardeing #BackyardGardening #GrowFood #Homesteading #Homestead #GrowWhatYouEat #EatWhatYouGrow #SweetPotatoes #GrowingSweetPotatoes #OrganicGarden

I ordered 50 sweet potato slips from John’s Seeds. When they arrived at my house they were looking a little sad and limp! I needed to get them into the grow as soon as possible to give them the best chance at surviving and producing sweet potatoes. I planted the sweet potato slips out two ways. First, I planted them in straw bales. Second, in my raised beds!

Instagram @Acre Homestead

This is not a sponsored video, links to products in this description, the box contains affiliate links.

One Month FREE Audible trial —

Items used in this video:
Air Pods —
Gardening Gloves —

Where I buy my bulk food —

Canning Supplies I Used:
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite and only needed) —
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Ball Canning Cook Book (My favorite canning cookbook) —
Presto Pressure Canner —
Canning Equipment Essentials —
Pink Himalayan Salt —

Some of my favorite kitchen essentials!
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Glass Snap Wear food containers —
American Test Kitchen Cooking School:
Pink Himalayan Salt:
Spice Jars:
Large Food Storage Containers:

Some of my favorite gardening tools!
Square Food Seeder:

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting Sweet Potato Slips in Straw Bales and Raised Beds | Who will WIN!?!

  1. Your garden looks great, have you heard of "walking onions" They're a top setting onion that spread fast (walk) and have little bulblets on top rather than flowers, that you can also eat… As well as large hollow green onion stalks.

  2. The straw bales need to be “conditioned” before they can make a good growing medium. Depending on the weather it takes about 10-14 days. Using blood meal (or bone meal or another nitrogen rich fertilizer) will help it along. The bales will also need to be fertilizer throughout the growing season. For the soil in the planting holes, use garden soil instead of potting soil because it will retain more moisture and feed the roots. The bales will make great compost for next year too. And depending on how dry the climate is where you live, they may need to be watered daily.

  3. Oh honey. That's a lot of money for slips. Any sweet potato can be planted upright in the ground as a seed spud and take lots of slips from that. Let the slips keep growing. Also, they are so sturdy. Soak those babies in a little seasol water to get some roots happening. Add a little zinc. Zinc in the pre planting stage is how the tubers grow.

  4. Hopefully you will get sweet potatoes from each type and you can use a few to start your own slips. I understand when planting a person may worry about the plants coming up. When ever I see my seeds come up I always tell them THANK YOU, THANK YOU for growing.

  5. When planting slips, or any plant cutting you must cut away all the big leaves and only leave the little baby leaves. The old leaves won't survive after transplant so all energy should be given to the new growth.

  6. I feel like you and I would be really good friends!!! Your so informative and I LOVE learning and doing ALL of the things you do, and totally interested in learning new things! You are a really inspiration!

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