March 20, 2025

VIDEO: June Garden Update

Garden update for June. Still getting nice harvests of green beans and cucumbers. The rain has damaged some of our plants and we need to remove and replant in some areas.

7 thoughts on “VIDEO: June Garden Update

  1. Another great harvest Lea!! I usually prefer my cat with different veggies tho heh!!
    I can't wait until i can harvest some cukes from my garden!!
    Have you ever baked cucumber slices??
    Have a good'nnn

  2. Leah are you seeing food shortage in your area? Especially at Walmart we are in Alabama. Love your garden showscatch you every time. Are you canning also?

  3. That’s a nice harvest! I can’t wait for our cucumbers to start producing, we have a cucumber or Greek salad every day! That’s exactly where I would expect the kitty to be!


  4. For some reason, I never thought about growing Soy Beans. We don't really eat them much but I guess if we grew them we would. My corn and okra are way behind. I honestly just planted them last week lol. I figured it up and I should be harvesting the corn in Sept. Blackberries look yummy. We have been eating the wild ones near our house but we got some of our cultivated ones about ready. Good luck to your team in Baseball. I am a huge South Carolina Gamecock fan. We hadn't been too good in the last few years. We hosted a regional this year but lost our second game lol. It has been a few years since we were in Omaha!

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