March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Still Filling These Raised Garden Beds! Live Stream

In this Live Stream, I explain why I’m still filling these raised garden beds, and then we’ll get into some Q&A!

Go here to get Birdies Raised Garden bed in the USA: and use SSME2020 for a 5% discount.

In Australia & New Zealand go to or and use Code SSMEbird for a 5% discount.

Plant Doctor Fertiliser: Go to and use SSM20 = “One-time” use code offering 20% off products (not shipping). Next time you shop use SSM10 = 10% off products (not shipping).

Hoselink Garden Products such as hose reels go here and you will automatically get a 10% discount on checkout!

Support me on Patreon: (the top tier $25 AU enables mentoring from yours truly via an exclusive VIP email where I will answer your questions etc ASAP).

My second channel Self Sufficient Me 2:
New (third) Channel: Self Suffishing Me

Help support the Channel and buy a T-shirt/Merchandise from our Spreadshirt shop: or Teespring

Check out for tools such as the Prong I recommend to use.

Rolling Sifter: use Compostyng (yes with a “y”) during checkout for a 10% discount. Cheryl (a registered nurse by trade invented and hand makes these sifters).

Shop for plants or garden equip on eBay Australia:

Blog: (use the search bar on my website to find info on certain subjects or gardening ideas)





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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂 #garden #gardening #raisedbeds

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Still Filling These Raised Garden Beds! Live Stream

  1. Do you have ground moles like we do in the Mid west of the U.S.A ? I have had to line the bottom of my raised beds with mesh wire in order to keep the voles and moles from wrecking them .

  2. Just replying to what you say 15 minutes in… the camera angle works great. I think it’s completely appropriate for you style of content, we can see more of the garden beds 🙂

  3. Great down to earth guy….your so right Mark about the muscle memory at a young age,and keeping it going into later life.Love your garden…im in Tassie in a temporate climate,but i still get so much out of your utube videos,all the time….take care..see you next time.

  4. Honestly you could sit that camera out there all day and I can just listen to the environment! I love it! Hamilton, Ohio U.S. here- 6B just north of Cincinnati and the Ohio River. Love your channel and can't wait for a Gardener's hat ❤️

  5. You know it's amazing to me as many people use pallet compost bays, you are the first person to actually explain taking the unfinished compost and flipping it from Bay one to Bay 2 and then the finished to bay three! I built three for myself and I figured it was the way it was supposed to be but for years I've been watching YouTube and here you're the first person to actually lay it out in steps! LOL thanks mate!

  6. I like your ideas of barter and exchanging things. I love the community you are establishing. Would love to join your community and learn how to grow food in my back yard. I'm in NSW how do I join your community?

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