March 11, 2025

VIDEO: Sow, Harvest, Preserve, Repeat! Story Time in the Garden!

#HarvestDay #HomePreservation #GrowingFood #BackYardFarm #GrowingOrganic #AcreHomestead #Garden2021 #BackYardHomestead #GrowWhatYouEat #EatWhatYouGrow

This is not a sponsored video, links to products in this description, the box contains affiliate links.

Today we spend the day in the garden harvesting peas, calendula, chamomile. We then move into the kitchen to preserve the harvest. We learn how to blanch peas and the importance of that before you freeze them. The calendula and chamomile are then dehydrated for future tea to be enjoyed on a winter night.

Instagram @Acre Homestead

Items talked about in this video!
Seeding Square —
Excaliber Dyhadrator —
Strawberry Mint Seeds —

One Month FREE Audible trial —

Where I buy my bulk food —

Some of my favorite kitchen essentials!
Korean Red Pepper Flakes —
Instant Pot —
Pink Himalayan Salt:
Spice Jars:
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Glass Snap Wear food containers —
American Test Kitchen Cooking School:
Large Food Storage Containers:

Canning Supplies I Used:
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite and only needed) —
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Ball Canning Cook Book (My favorite canning cookbook) —
Presto Pressure Canner —
Canning Equipment Essentials —
Pink Himalayan Salt —

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Sow, Harvest, Preserve, Repeat! Story Time in the Garden!

  1. Lol, your story about your interrupting family and your partner's family not being that way is literally the same as mine I also didnt know that I interrupted others often until he told me and then when I saw my family again, it was unreal…I couldn't believe I never noticed that before. it's like everyone competing for a space to speak. although because of this, my family is pretty good at guessing how each other feels and we often finish each others sentences hahaha it is definitely a work in progress and a difficult habit to break!

  2. You give me energy just watching you! It’s really motivated me to expand my little suburban garden! If anyone knows of an Aussie youtube that does similar content I’d love to know! So hard to find products & recommendations pertinent to aus sometimes. America looks amazing & so many bargains!

  3. I was so into ur message! Hopefully one day that u get into a motivated story again, Please continue and just add ur story as u harvest ur garden! I would truly appreciate ur stories and motivation to others! God bless u baby girl!!

  4. Leave the boxes!! I believe the reason many people watch you is because you're like them…..not perfect. So do not change anything! Because you may change something that many people relate to you because of……..that sentence doesn't sound right……whatever… know what I mean. Lol!! ❤LOVE YOUR CHANNEL❤

  5. You seem so geniune and sweet. Please dont listen to negative comments about your looks .EYEBROWS OF ALL THE THINGS TO complain about you are so busy all the time . IGNORE negative people. Keep being beautiful you.

  6. Hi there..hope your day is going great…you should check out a channel simple living Alaska… arielle and Eric are fantastic people and couple alot like you… arielle is a huge gardener and makes all there teas from her garden…they do homesteading to do I'm sure there are lots of things you can learn from them…they can and preserve almost everything…think you would really like them and i write about you pin there's too…lol

  7. my mom and I have been watching you and we have decided to start our own garden next year. we are planning on making planters before it gets too cold here in Texas. would love to know where you get all your garden seeds when you buy them

  8. You and your family probably have adhd, and a lot of people with it are better at tasks that are physical such as dentistry and farming. Which is interesting considering what you all do!

  9. Loving your inspirational videos & a big hi from New Zealand!
    Just wanted to say you can keep your sweet potato slips as houseplants for winter! We grow them & a native version – Kumara. I keep cuttings from the plants at harvest in a jar of water inside, change the water when I remember & I've just planted them back outside ready for this summer's crop!

  10. Funny you brought up how your family interrupts each other when talking. I’m full Portuguese and came from a family who does the same thing. Your story sounds exactly like mine. I too had my husband, who I was dating at the time, tell me how rude I was being. Lol Oh my gosh…it took me a long time to break that habit. Haha.

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