February 25, 2025

VIDEO: Change is Hard (A lovely evening garden walk) | VLOG

The Drop Dead Red Sunflower mix came from Botanical Interests Seed Company (affiliate link): https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=250954&u=2218855&m=28945&urllink=&afftrack=

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Change is Hard (A lovely evening garden walk) | VLOG

  1. You can't fail if you don't try, but in the same breath you can't succeed if you don't try. Don't live life frozen in fear, and you'll love the memories looking back. ❤️

  2. When we moved out to our land, it happened so fast I didn't process anything until I was steaming in the new house with everything piled in the middle of the rooms and I lost it.
    My husband was out of town for a month, so I moved all by myself. It was so overwhelming I was paralyzed and didn't know where to start and my true north, my anchor, was out of town.
    Now I treasure that cry, those freaked out, BIG FEELINGS. It was terrifying at the time, but I knew someday all of this was going to feel "normal" and I never wanted to EVER take it for granted. I somehow "knew" I NEEDED to keep those first feelings of discomfort and loss and blessing and just plain weirdness, even tho it REALLY HURT at the time.

    You're doing great girl!! Love and prayers❤

  3. Praising God for the grace with which you are handling others' processing your transition. That is also hard. Celebrating the precious view and the beautiful gifts He is giving you to say goodbye.

  4. Prayers for everyone here who is not on board with this change and move. I personally can not wait to see how then next season of your adventure unfolds. That to me is so exciting. I can't wait. I am praying for you too. Take all the time you need.

  5. Don’t stress about your viewers. We will still be here when you move. Don’t let the grief of others impact you as you make this move. It’s going to be very exciting for you and your family, and for all of us as well. God bless you for sharing your lives with us.

  6. Jess, I haven’t met you personally but want you to know how you have blessed my life through your channel. As I watched you walk through your garden in this episode I couldn’t help but shed tears thinking back on how your farm has grown & been a blessing to myself & so many others. What a beautiful favorite place you have in your garden this year with the colorful zinnias. It’s kinda like your garden is saying, “sweet Jess, thank you. I’m going to be ok and so are you.” Change is hard, but I know you will continue to bless others with your life. Thank you for how you’ve blessed mine.

  7. You just move me to tears..as a person who has let too many dreams pass me by..I am so glad for you..May God Bless your adventure and your beautiful family. I love your farm and I'm positive The Lord has great plans for your future.

  8. My Daddy has always said, “keep your fork, there’s more coming.” Keep loving God, keep loving your family, and keep loving people. Big hugs!!

  9. Jess, I have been watching your videos for over a year now, and have learned SO MUCH from your knowledge and insights, so generously given. Your Vlog is absolutely a refuge for me in so many ways and a source of joy. My eyes are filled with tears watching this video, as I have moved so many times and just feel what you are going through. Not only to I walk with you and believe in all you are doing, but I so look forward to welcoming you to South Carolina!!!! We moved here five years ago from a totally different place . . . it takes courage to make a big change, but also faith. When we learned you all are coming here to SC on your Big Reveal video, we jumped for joy! Waiting with open arms to welcome you! And wishing you all good things for your journey. Thanks for the Grace of Mostly–so powerful!

  10. Jess – I fell behind on Roots and Refuge Farm for several months and today I binged my favorite channel, what an emotional roller coaster! But my heart is full and I'm over the moon excited for your precious family. I recently exited the most challenging season of my life, leaving our five acres and my first garden – inspired by my very first YouTube subscription to your channel 5 years ago. You taught this 62-year old about a kind of joy I never knew I could experience. I can't even put into words how I felt about my garden, but I don't have to – you know. Then my husband's health rapidly declined and we sold our property, moved to be closer to family. Without the space now to grow vegetables, I am focusing on flowers – and as always, today I found hope and inspiration in your journey. That favorite garden view you shared, well, you never cease to amaze me Jess. Thank you for this gift, for letting me into your home and heart as you are in mine.

    I say this prayer for you – The light of God surrounds us, the love of God enfolds us, the power of God protects us, the presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are, God is, and all is well.

  11. Saying goodbye to a place you've called home is sad but think of all the new experiences just waiting for you in SC. You have a empty canvas just waiting for you to plant and your dreams come alive!

  12. I'm sure I'm not the only one but you touched my heart once again and I cried with you. Thank for sharing your thoughts on your Zinnias. I hope those viewers who are having a really difficult time with this change will be able to pull through this with you also because I believe those who do will have stretched themselves to a new place of strength in their own lives.

  13. I'm so excited for you and your next steps in your journey! You have brought so much joy to so many sharing your beautiful home, glorious garden and loving family. Your generosity is a gift and we appreciate you! 🙂

  14. When I'm stressed and overwhelmed Roots and Refuge brings me back to myself, reality and my garden. You're channel brings me comfort no matter where your garden is. I will continue to watch as long as you continue to post.

  15. This Vlog recalled my call to leave Calif in Feb of 2007 and take my 3 young children all of our pets and DRIVE to Alaska in the dead of winter and move to our 5 acre homestead in Alaska – best decision in my life and even better for my 3 now adults that still live on the property – God has blessed all of us!!

  16. I absolutely have the heart full of dreams part. My husband and I moved our kids from our city life to 7 acres in Oregon less than two months ago. Saying goodbye to my garden and all that I had created. This summer is the hardest. I don’t have the infrastructure for my garden up until next spring and so I’m just using two Greenstalks but they are full and even though small, I will have a harvest. The plans are coming together for my glorious garden and orchard for next season. Having to put my normal seed starting season aside this year for packing, I am eagerly awaiting January so that all the seed sowing inside can start. I cannot wait to see all your new plans and garden areas come alive as mine do. This year has been a rough one for me. January-March in the hospital for an out of the blue health scare and then a move to our dream property. Thank you for being my constant support in the garden and all those lovely goat videos. We will be adding baby goats in the spring. I appreciate you and your family so much for the inspiration to leap.

  17. Hi Jess! This video, especially the end, really had me choked up. I am so excited for you and your family for your new journey and I know that you will still be sharing yourself and family with all of us. That is what matters, not where you are, but who you are and I know that will not change. Thank you so much for sharing!

  18. Sweetheart, when packing up one home to move to another and then to recreate a new home in the new house or build from scratch I have always felt that you end up camping in the home you are leaving as you pack it up and then again for as long as it takes you to put the new place together and get settled. The very best part of packing is unpacking and rediscovering what you have and where you are going to put it in the new place. Just take a breath and try to enjoy the process. God bless!

  19. You’re amazing! You got this! I too am sad that you’re leaving because you have been a constant in my life. You have no idea how many hard times in my life you helped me get through. I now Spend time in my garden when times get tough and it puts a smile on my face. You’re an amazing person I absolutely believe in you and I can’t wait to see what is to come.

  20. I finally got time to catch up with you. Thank you for this content. Going through changes myself and I know it will all be worth it. So inspiring! Looking forward to watching you continue to grow!!

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