I have good news! The sowing season is far from over, and even though there is a huge number of crops we can still be sowing, I decided to outline what I think are the 10 most productive crops to sow in July. The crops are in no particular order and suited primarily for a zone 7/8 climate. I really hope this helps you work out how to fill upcoming gaps that may emerge over the next couple of months when the spring crops are cleared out.
Liz Zorab’s Video: https://youtu.be/Yos-oMxLV_M
Adam’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOfLVkBa5-0sbA4qbhdrN2w
Vital Seeds; Second Spring: https://vitalseeds.co.uk/product/winter-growing-second-spring-seed-collection/?utm_source=Homepage&utm_medium=Hero&utm_campaign=SS-2021
-Online Courses-
More Food Less Effort Course: http://morefoodlesseffort.com/
Planting Plan Short Course: https://abundanceacademy.online/p/the-monthly-planting-plan
(Use coupon code PLAN20 for 20% off the Productive Planting Plan Course)
Exclusive videos from the garden and beyond
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HuwRichardsOfficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/huwsgarden/
Awesome clothing designed for vegetable gardeners: https://huwrichards.teemill.com/
What to sow in July 0:00
Crop 1 0:29
Crop 2 1:21
Crop 3 2:13
Crop 4 3:07
Crop 5 4:28
Crop 6 5:10
Crop 7 5:58
Crop 8 7:02
Crop 9 7:48
Crop 10 8:59
Second Spring Shoutout 10:00
Filling gaps in the garden 10:34
#julysowing #kitchegarden #raisedbeds
What to sow in July
this is my first season as a gardener, and in may, i put in the ground beetroot and swiss chard seeds, now i cant differentiate which is which .
when should the beetroot grow the "root" so i could see whats going on?
OMG bore off
I know that you didn't mention tomatoes in this video but I need some advice. I'm new to the UK and am having a heck of a time getting tomatoes in my greenhouse to the point of harvestable fruit due to blight. I'm on my third year and have tomatoes about 5 cm in size. All is going well and then I go out one morning and I have blight started. I keep them heavily pruned so that they are open in the center, take all the old and or dying leaves off, keep them out of the dirt and water below the leaf level. They are tied up and open with lots of air movement. Still am having fits. I use bleach water on my shears when cutting them as well.
Please, any advice will be appreciated. BTW, I am trying to grow plum tomatoes.
Great video with lots of yummy crops to grow! My ultimate favorite is as always Kale! Thanks for sharing.
Can I grow spring onions, mizuna, pak Choi or chicory through autumn and winter ?
Yep… good idea to seed again for a fall harvest. I just planted beets and radishes 8 )
I live in E.Cheshire what "zone" is that? I have just returned to gardening after about 40 years & have never come across zones before, so any help would be appreciated.
Some great ideas here – thanks. This is only the third season growing from my ten raised beds, with still a lot to learn!
Gracias por los subtitulos en español, son de gran ayuda,
Hi Huw. Your chard looks fantastic – all the chard I planted this March was attacked by a leaf miner – an insect that sits between the two sides of the leaf and sends them brown – they look sun scorched, but it’s actually this insect eating them from the inside out! Does this also happen with July sown chard – and any tips to prevent it? Thanks!
1 Kohlrabi
2 Beet root
3 Fennel
4 Chard
5 Kale
6 Radish
7 Herbs
8 Spinach
9 Turnips
10 Potatoes
What was the name of the seeds you mentioned?
Hi Huw im only starting to concentrate on growing as i was building a large greenhouse covered with 10mm polly carbonate thanks for the tips ill start seeds this week . do you mind me asking are you full time at your garden and are you a shef . thanks Richard
Sarpo Mira might not be everyones cup of tea taste wise thats for sure.
Kale is my absolute favorite!!! We had them outside last year. All through winter we had great harvest. Actually all of our cabbage plants lasted through the winter and grew very well.
Great .
Please type of camera that you can filmed
Is the 11th August to late to plant the above?
You absolutely can start cool season crops in 90+ temp, just have to watch them, keep them watered and use/create microclimates
I have to wait until end of September to do anything since I'm in Texas, USA where it's so hot. Being in August we really just started summer with 98f/36c all day long. But I'm looking forward to it and putting in reminders in my phone to remind myself to plant when the time comes!
What about snails? Do they harm your crops?
Thanks for this… Will this all or a few of this survive in Irish weather and outside… no greenhouse… also how to manage slugs… more than half of my produce is eaten by them… beer traps working but they are always there…. Sheep wool does not work… do garlic spray on and off
Does anyone else wish he had a channel that shows us how he prepares and uses all these incredible veggies? Roasted leeks?! SHOW US!!! Never even heard of it! He'd have such a lovely cooking show!
Hi, thanks for the videos, binge-watching your channel now. I only have a question: when you buy seeds, are these GMO or they will be able to reproduce themselves once grown into a plant?
We live in Hawaii. No snow but lots of cold rain. I think we can grow similar to your zone?