March 23, 2025


MY CUSTOM TOMATO PLANTS TRELLIS In a Raised Garden Bed. This EASY DIY Trellis will hold up in the wind and will let your tomatoes grow large and FREE and as tall as they wish.

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: MY CUSTOM TOMATO PLANTS TRELLIS In a Raised Garden Bed

  1. I’ve been using the woven wire for years. It’s mainly used for concrete reinforcement but works well in the garden. If you have indeterminate tomatoes you will definitely have to use 2 panels because they are only 4 ft tall.

  2. I'm Watching this at 7:30pm and it's 88 degrees F here in Texas. I reckon ya'll got our weather, and we have yours for now. Yes eating them with my eggs for breakfast. Nothing like the taste of tomato in the morning. Thanks for the vid.

  3. I used EMTs, wire mesh and metal ties too along with a couple of rebars and pipe clips. I needed almost no tools except for the rubber mallet I used to pound a foot or so of the rebar on the ground. I’m a 45 yr old female with a really messed up back. I was able to do it myself, taking my time with very little effort. I’m not good with tools (electric or manual) so building this very sturdy trellis makes me feel so proud. More blessings to you!

  4. something is wrong. if you have 22 acres and can't make a profit, try market gardening or Neversink Farms or Curtis Stone. Maybe you should be a STUDENT rather than a teacher. NO INSULT INTEN DED

  5. I'm using concrete mesh with t-posts for the first time this year – so far I'm very happy. Waiting for tropical storm Elsa up here in Rhode Island – Good Luck!

  6. I’m in Maryland near the Chesapeake Bay and we’re still waiting on our tomatoes. We had some cold weather earlier in the season and they didn’t like it, lol.

  7. This is the first time in a long time that I started tomatoes in early March (3-06) and planted mid May. I've already munched on a few yellow pear (one of my favorites as well). I have quite a few beginning to color up. But I started them all at the same time. So once they all begin to ripen, my neighbors are going to be getting lots of tomatoes. Next year I will definitely stagger seedlings March to April. It seems every year I overdo something in the garden!

  8. Zone 6b here in CT. All plants have tomatoes but none red yet with one exception. In spring I found a plant that germinated on it's own in the garden. Didn't have the heart to discard it so I put it in a 5 gal bucket. Don't you know that I got several red tomatoes off that hardy little plant yesterday. What a nice surprise.

  9. Thanks Mark , nice video : I have built one like this with and overhead steel cable and runners dropping string line down to each tomato and it does work but it doesn't easily allow me to place any netting over it without lots of assistance .I think ,I prefer the trellis built as an arch out of 100 x100 mm squared , thinner 3mm mesh and just hang some string down and when plant matures can be tied to the trellis itself. It is easy to pick fruit through mesh and a net can be placed over it easily without getting snagged to keep pests out organically. it is also easy to build by cutting the cross steel and exposing spikes that just push into ground at each end it becomes very stable and easily removed for future plants that don't require it . It also doesn't have to be mad out of one piece. You can insert several mesh arches spacd by no mesh which enables easier access and just use a netting over arches to protect the plants ..My meshed raised beds are working a treat thank you once again for the idea !..

  10. Mark, have you used tomahooks? Ever since I discovered those last year, I'm never going back. On your set up, you could just put the EMT up at about 7'. No bottom EMT and no wire mesh needed. Hang your hooks and your plants. As the plants get up to 7', just unwind some of the twine on the the tomahooks and you can go on forever. I just wonder why someone like you would not use those.

  11. Hi Mark I'm in the UK, my outdoor tomatoes are similar to yours, I also had to plant late due to the heavy rain we had throughout May the soil was waterlogged so I couldn't plant out till 31st May. The ones I planted in the greenhouse are doing much better plenty of green tomatoes on them, weather here is poor at the moment mainly cloudy and rain so the ones in the greenhouse may take a few more weeks yet before they'll be ready for picking. keep up the great video's. I cant find any cattle panel or other wire trellis material here in the UK unfortunately, just wish I could.

  12. The spacing is 6 inches. I know becouse I work in the concrete industry. I'm doing a similar thing with my cucumbers. Expect I can get scrap sheets of heavier gage wire. So I don't need so much support.

    In the past I combined that wire panels with chicken wire to make fencing. Worked great. Cut it down to the size you need.

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