March 24, 2025

VIDEO: This Increased 3X The Yields! (GAME CHANGER)

organic gardeners will tell you, if you take care of the soil, you take care of your plants. Healthy plants start with healthy soil and a healthy plannt can yield more and handle stress better. This amazing product is inexpensive but is a game changer! Sassy Lass is one of the best microbial boosters I have ever used!
Sassy Lass –

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: This Increased 3X The Yields! (GAME CHANGER)

  1. Can we as a society please, please, please stop using the catch phrase, "game changer"? Please, pretty please? It is so overused and so played out. Please stop

  2. Humic acid and fulvic acid are old news, just not talked about much. Molasses has potassium which increases flowers. Add humic and fulvic to hydroponics, same deal. Add that to your news. Add seaweed and you got it.

  3. Huw Richards has videos on how to make your own micro bacterial boosters. I never even thought about using weeds/nettles, leaf mold, dandelions and organic brown sugar to create free weed soak boosters and/or fermented plant juices for my soil. I’m definitely going to try making my own in the future. It takes awhile to make your own concentrate, so for now I’m going to try this brand you’re using. Thanks for sharing!

  4. My tomatoes wilted at fruiting stage in the spring, probably due to the cool and rainy weather we had. Will this product increase the population of the beneficial bacteria to combat the wilt fungus?

  5. So… essentially an amended compost extract, right? Organic acids + molasses?? And unless this is heavily buffered, the pH is going to equilibrate with the soil pretty quickly. Pretty easy to DIY, right?

  6. Just placed order. Thank you as always for your sincerely wonderful content. I am such a fan of yours. We are having an interesting year in our community garden. We have two plots. One, the tomatoes look pretty good and the other, they are all not producing. Hoping this will help. I am in Northern California so it can take up to early September to get yields. BTW, did you do a cottage garden this year? THANK YOU!

  7. But is it too late for it to help out a stressed out cucumber plant that has been attacked by cucumber beetles and high heat? We're working on getting rid of the beetles now, little by little

  8. Novice Gardener here, since it's molasses, and as far as I know molasses is a form of sugar, does it somehow attract more garden pests such as aphids or other type of bugs when using this on a consistent basis?

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