March 22, 2025

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Reasons Cucumbers Become Deformed or Misshapen

  1. This year I discovered that amaranth is a trap crop for cucumber beetles. I grew a variety of amaranth called “callaloo” that is for summer greens. The cucumber beetles loved it and I never saw any of the beetles on the cucumbers until mid August. I never did get any greens because there was a caterpillar that also loved the amaranth and the leaves were all eaten. But that didn’t deter the beetles so I just let it grow. Thanks for the great post.

  2. Thanks for a wonderful informative video on cukes. I am growing two plants for the first time and they are producing like crazy in my garden. Such a refreshing veggie to eat on a hot day! Glad I saw your video and now I understand why cukes can be deformed at times. Keep those videos coming, love to learn more from you! Happy Gardening!

  3. Hi Luke I was aware of the m/f pollination thingy when it comes. However this year the leaves all became spotted. Some kind of disease? OR, lack of nutrients. I've been cutting the leaves off all summer. I did however have an abundant crop of straight eights and market more with a couple of pickling varieties. What to do?

  4. Question Luke. When you say wet, does that include humidity? we havent had a lot of rain but there has been a lot of heat and humidity, and my cucmbers didnt do well and there doesnt seem to be bugs or disease. Love your channel, always fun to watch and learn.

  5. I always start my seeds in the solarium. This is the first year, where I have cucumber plants that remained the same size as when I put them in the garden. I even tried loosening the soil around them…nothing doing. Very frustrating…

  6. Good helpful video. Always wondered what caused misshapen cukes. I did 3 plants this year, all in pots on my back patio. No sign of beetles or slugs but we did have high temps the last few weeks so that must be it. Good crop, I was picking 5-6 cukes a day for a while and the early ones looked great, but the ones during and after the heat were funny looking.

  7. We had temps in the 110° in my part of canada for a few weeks here in my part of mid western canada this summer! Explains why they are weird shapes this summer! We usually hit 100° and up for only 5 days a summer on average in my area of Canada, but this summer has been extremely hot and extremely humid!

  8. I had this problem big time this year and I suspected it was poor pollination. What's crazy is I have 30 bee hives about 200' from my garden. What happened, in Oklahoma, was it rained like crazy in the spring, probably when all the cuc's were blooming and the bees couldn't get out to forage. It was a huge impact to honey harvest as well.

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