March 18, 2025

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Prune Basil For Healthy Bushy Long Living Plants

  1. Strange question, but where did you get all of your knowledge? I love visiting your channel and always learning something new. I didn't know about flowering enzymes, and would love to learn more. Can you recommend any books?

  2. That's crazy how short and bushy yours are, wonder if it's just a weather difference. I've been growing basil for 8-9 years now and my plants are always 3-4 foot tall, they bush out as I top them but they get tall lol

  3. I must own the craziest basil plant ,it's going on 3 yrs old ,it had never flowered until this year.I have just taken off the flowering part after they made seed threw into the bottom of the planter.Its 2 ft high+ and water every day the woody bottom part is now starting to make leaves also.I have kept it by the kitchen window and looks like the same basil you are showing here.

  4. Hi Luke, I have a question that no one seems to have asked before. The wildfires in California have blanketed the mid-west in smoke. In Colorado, our visibility is down to less than a mile and we haven't seen the rocky mountains in months. Sunlight is also very defused. It all seems to have effected the growing season as I haven't had to mow my lawn in weeks because it's not really growing. I wasn't able to grow a garden this year, but preparing to start up again next year…. will a garden grow in this smoke defused sunlight?

    Vast wildfires and smoke covered skies in the west seems to be the new norm.

  5. Ok..can you also go over mints? I have apple. Pepper. All are looking deathly..the were all well. Getting bushy spreading now they are dying off??

  6. I like MIGardener seeds but dislike the new packaging. You have cut planting depth, days to maturity, and spacing (before and after thinning). You just include one seed spacing number. These are vital pieces of information. You've replaced this with a 3/4" bar with your mission statement. You could include that prominently on your website and add the vital growing information you removed on packets. Thank you!

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