Since getting this one to fruit would probably take a few years i thought i would stop at 4 months. Will put it in a light spot at home and see how big it will grow over time.
“Selenicereus undatus, the white-fleshed pitahaya, is a species of Cactaceae and is the most cultivated species in the genus. It is used both as an ornamental vine and as a fruit crop – the pitahaya or dragon fruit.” – Wikipedia
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I think it takes a long long time for this plants to bear fruit… maybe that’s why it’s quite expensive, because more time=more resources used…
It looks like cacti at first
Is that liquid water,?
Qhy r the comments so recent
Ça met du temps pour démarrer dans la terre.
Wow i love that one

Dragon fruit seed to cactus
Isn't this process too slow
en español la fruta se llama pitahaya
I have a serious question. So the dragon fruit is a cactus fruit?
Beautifully done ,thank you for sharing
Its is already speeded up, why you put it on x2 speed?
So… where is new dragon fruit -_-
seeing Those little green stems coming out of the seeds … "miracle" that word came to my mind .
If u cut the branches it is easy and fast….
How could 2000 people dislike the video.
My little brother on December 1
Sorry but it kinda looks like an erection
I'm fairly sure that the reason that there is 2k dislikes is because they didn't see the fruit sprout from the plant.
I didnt like dragon fruit
Makes a good pie, but sadly Wigfrid can't eat it..