Get 2 months FREE if you sign up to Readly, then only £7.99 a month thereafter. Sign up here: – A huge hanks to Readly for sponsoring this video. August is when the vegetable garden is the most full of delicious food, and it is essential that I put as much as possible in place for a successful autumn and winter. In this video I share with you my top tips and vegetable gardening ideas in action from my no dig permaculture raised bed kitchen garden that you can take and adapt to your own growing space. Growing your own food is one of the most amazing things you can do.
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#gardentour #permaculture #nodig
kitchen garden
raised bed gardening
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I think that the Ladies will agree with me – that these type of men that know how to take care of a garden, are the most attractive men on earth !
EVOLUTION designed this?? A basic summary of what that means…
In the beginning was nothing but then it somehow became as big as the universe. Then there was dirt and water but then somehow it became alive. Then there was an organism but somehow it had the structure and information to reproduce. Then one decided to be a male and somehow another organism became female and somehow at the same time, with fully functioning structure and information, they reproduced. Then they grew branches, then arms, then fins, then legs, then wings, and breathed water and then air and now we see them all perfectly mutated to flourish in their ecosystems!
Seriously… Have you considered how a butterfly came to be? What came first, the egg? caterpillar? chrysalis? butterfly? What mutation could cause a crawling creature to suddenly hang upside down, dissolve its organs and appendages and 2 weeks later emerge as a flying creature? And then find another butterfly to reproduce? Truly a fairy tale!
It is glaringly obvious we are part of creation. The world around us is so incredibly complex that design is the obvious, logical and scientific conclusion. Jesus was a real historical figure who claimed to be God. He also confirmed that he created the world and was coming back a second time to reward and judge the world. He proved this by rising from the dead and fulfilling many prophecies. He also foretold what would happen before he would come again. These things have been coming to pass more and more. He loves his creation and has a purpose for everyone of us! But the evil we see in the world is not from God. We have a cruel enemy of everything good and right and you can see the devil's handiwork more and more. Please look into this urgently and with honesty. God is not a policeman in the sky, he is not a genie that grants wishes, he is loving and merciful and rewards those who seek him. Do not decide who God is by looking at religious people, you must decide who God is by reading what he says about himself in the bible. Then you would have judged fairly. Start with John or Luke. These are eyewitness accounts of what Jesus said and did. There are many resources to answer your many questions. Especially on creation and evolution
Seek the LORD while he may be found, call upon him while he is near (Isaiah 55)
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. (Romans 1:20)
To realise that your life is precious, you are loved, and you have a purpose, is real freedom and responsibility. There is an epic heavenly battle for your soul! You're never alone, reach out from wherever you are, Jesus is there, trust Him.
merhaba .türkiyeden selam , çok ğüzel
I didn't know you could eat field beans! I thought they were only a green manure?
Do try Broadbean Masterpiece Green Longpod. And from the Heritage seed library Climbing bean ODriscoll, use them as what in the USA they call shellies, shell like a broadbean. They are like a big fat soy bean. And succession: sow a wigwam of runners around the beginning of July. Mine are now in full flower and the beans should start be ready next week. I think I have Firestorm this year, I always used to use Wisley Magic it seemed to like the late season but this is no longer available. If you cannot get a sprinkle of parsley to grow try a pot from Asda only 50p. Planted in the garden it will produce for months, then seeds and somehow the self seeded grow like mad.
That is wonderful idea,
You just gave me an idea, Huw. I have a few potting mix bags that I can recycle instead of putting them in the bin. Well, I was going to lay them on my weedy areas first before dumping them. Now, am going to use them for the potatoes, yay!
I thoroughly enjoy this video and thanks for the inspiration.
Another amazing video- thank you for all of your hard work sharing this info with all of us!!
At 4:35… What is a field bean? Do you eat the whole bean or the seed? Thank you. USA zone 5a.
I love this guy. He knows so much and his videos get better and better.
Whats the area of your garden?
Hoy! I'm so proud of you, look at all the blooms you've added. Well done.
I love Charles Dowding, I would marry him if I could but I have Liam Hemsworth here playing in the background while I do my office work. Beef cake tomatoes. But I do really enjoy your info besides your handsome self. I did well in my Long Island NY USA garden this year.
What else can you use instead of nettles in the liquid fertiliser that you made? There are no nettles here where I live like your nettles.
How do you keep tree roots out of some of your beds that are closer to trees. I am getting tree roots in my no dig beds.
I started some wisteria several months ago, and I haven't decided where to plant them yet. Just figured it out during this video, they are going to beautify my IBC rain barrels! YES!
Always inspired! Many thanks
laziness makes me love no-dig
i love this!
I am working in this direction.
What fava bean did he say…ratio ?
I would like to know how you keep the weeds/grass down in the walkways & from growing up the side of the boxes. Do you use a weed-eater on all that??
Do you get onion maggots?
everytime i used compost i got slugs and maggots im using chemicals now and no maggots no slugs so what is the benefit of compost you just feeding and welcoming bugs to your garden and flies and there eggs and maggots.