March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Fall Garden Planting Delay Due to Henri

Fall Garden Planting Delay Due to Henri got 9 inch’s of Rain.
Lost power but hopefully on track to plant the garden this weekend.

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12 thoughts on “VIDEO: Fall Garden Planting Delay Due to Henri

  1. Glad you're ok Mark.
    Nice day to be outside in the garden.
    Those tomatoes look great. Soon your garden will be flooding with ripe tomatoes!
    Hope things dry up for you soon so you can get planting for fall again.
    Happy gardening.
    Thanks for sharing, cheers!

  2. Welcome to gardening during hurricane season. Glad to see you are OK. I have to admit your garden looks great after 9" of rain. My tomatoes looked like water balloons. OK though it was at the end of their harvest. Doesn't look like you had much run-off either. Let us know how it recuperates and what happened to your park delivering leaves? Usually, after hurricanes, chip drop is in overdrive. Get with the cleanup crews.

  3. It has been a crazy summer here in 5a NYS. Your "Mark Method" wood chip raised bed worked very well for drainage and growth although the amounts of moisture gave us a "Biblical' slug snail etc. attack. Our fruit tree production produced a lot of cracked fruit and the wind broke a few branches but we'll get some production from it. Usually, I pray for rain because our summers can get dry in the mountains and much of it runs down to the coast but this year the overabundance has brought every kind of insect that I know and some that I don't down on us especially a high volume of the hated Japanese Beetles. With gardening, I read somewhere that if the bugs aren't eating some of your product then you shouldn't be eating it. Organic gardening is more difficult but the rewards in health and less stress on the environment are worth it. Next year I intend to place a copper strip around one of the beds as a test to ward off slugs etc. From what I have been told the properties in the copper ward off the little beasty's and the small amount of copper would not be toxic to the bed. I will keep you informed of the results. Cheers.

  4. 9" is a lot of rain for sure. It has been some season this year. We had drought in May & June and then over 20" of rain so far in July & August. The biggest problem for us was how cold July was. Many days in the low 60's and some days stayed in the 50's.

  5. Mark re: leaves-

    Did the township decide on alternate disposal?

    My growers group is "leaf" dependent for conditioning new ground.

    I find woodchips (other than ramial) about useless for other than weed pressure buffers, orchard area, pathways & some perennial beds.

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