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cách trồng hành hay quá ạ
Supper video, I'm following your work for a long time, best of luck
Can we do this for lilly bulbs? Have you ever tried this merhod for lillies? Thank you.
Very good
Thank you. Most interesting and I will try. How long were the onions in the big pots before harvesting? Was this process any shorter than conventional soil growing?
Thank you again.
Perfect for garnishing!

Nice sharing..
멜론으로 시작해서 지금 정주행중입니다~ 너무 좋네요~ 혹시 밤이랑 도토리 발아컨텐츠 찍으실 생각은 없으신가요??
It’s so perfect – Thank you
Thank you.
Wow interesting your video and very nice

面白い! 参考になる
nice sharing
كل كم يوم نغير الماء
너무 좋은취미두신것 같아요., 식물의 푸릇함과 함께하는 삶 저도 해보려합니다~!