March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Weird Growing Tomato Rescue

Weird Growing Tomato Rescue

▪NEW Merch @ Redbubble

▪NEW Merch @ Teespring

♡☆♡ Thank you all for your support ☆♡☆

You want your homestead not only to be practical, but also beautiful, right? That’s exactly what we are aiming for here at the sandy soils of our small suburban homestead, located in the heart of Toxandria. The creative use of metal and wood in our homesteading projects, makes all the difference in how far we can take our homestead endeavours.
So come along, and follow us on (y?)our journey to a creatively fullfilling lifestyle of self-sufficiency. Thank you for your support! ♡

■ Inquiries : contacttoxandria @ ■

#weirdtomato #tomatorescue #growingtomatoes

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