September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Unboxing my IRIS Order (And I have SOIL!!) | VLOG

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Unboxing my IRIS Order (And I have SOIL!!) | VLOG

  1. I love the idea of planting things that will last long after us. After my Dad passed away in 2018, I inherited the home I grew up in, which my great grandmother bought way back in 1880's. The house is much older (1742). I have delighted in reclaiming her lily garden, which had not bloomed and was totally overgrown. This year I had lilies and I moved some of the little ones up to a new bed near the back porch which until last summer was deeply shaded by a giant maple tree that SHE planted when she bought the home in the 1880's. Sadly the tree fell last summer and we all cried about it. But I decided to create a garden in that space, to create something that will be here when I am gone. It is full of daffodils and other spring bulbs. I am going to add many irises around other ancient tree stumps in the yard this fall. I spent the pandemic tearing away at invasive trees and vines and have found ancient Sweet Briar roses. This has been the silver lining of this awful pandemic. I enjoyed your video and unboxing.

  2. While watching this episode I had some thoughts in regards to the legacy and heritage you are blessing your family with. Hopefully, this videos along with stories that are passed down in your family will be treasured for many generations! I can see Benjamin standing along the fence lined with irises telling his grandchildren about the year your family bought this property. He will say "My Mama loved to plant something lovely. I helped her plant these beautiful irises when I was a young boy."

  3. Daffodils have always been so special to me. One of my earliest memories of a birthday was on my 6th birthday, and Mama had gone to the doctor that morning. When she returned, she brought me a beautiful bouquet of daffodils. It made my day! I loved them so much, that she bought some bulbs and planted them, and every year they returned, reminding me of that most special birthday gift. Many years later, when I went home to Spartanburg, I revisited the old property where our home once was… even though the house was no longer there, much to my surprise, the daffodils were. So very special!

  4. Jess, I've watched you for over 3 yrs and will send a few heritage irises (4 generations). When my Grandmother passed in 2006 (the one who taught me to garden), I brought almost all of her irises to my home. I gave some to my neighbor behind me (who had lung cancer, but also LOVED gardening. When she planted them between treatments, she told me she planted them on her side of the fence, but in direct view from my back deck, so I could enjoy mine and the ones I gave her even after she was gone. She passed the following spring, but my summer view is gorgeous and love filled. Hope you enjoy!
    Btw…my Grandmother (I called her Nanny) loved the black velvet irises the most!
    Donna Michelle (M&M)

  5. Jess, thank you for posting all of your lovely vlogs… They are so enjoyable. I live in zone 4. This spring we had a very late hard freeze the last week of May. My irises did not bloom at all. I don’t have very many but I would like to dig them up and send them to you if that is ok? Their colors are magenta/pink & yellow outer petals & the middle petals are cream color. They smell wonderful.

  6. My association with hollyhocks is the memory of being shown as a little girl how to pick a couple blossoms and put them together with a toothpick to make little dolls.

  7. Schreiner's is awesome! I bought so many Iris from them (probably close to 50 during 2020). I bought so many and I was a little worried 'cause it was a lot of money and I've never grown Iris, but they all came in beautifully in my garden this year! 100% worth it and would buy again for sure!

  8. Wow….not to be rude….but you’ve made enough money to start a television network, have hundreds of thousands of subscribers and a monetized channel…yet you still can’t afford to buy iris bulbs? You shouldn’t be asking people for money or donations. Many of those people are less well off than you. It’s unethical.

  9. When you plant a single rhizome that blooms, that “mother” rhizome will not bloom again but will produce a “baby” one, maybe more than one. The next year, the baby blooms and produces its own baby and so on and so on. The original one along with its subsequent generations can continue to produce new generations until there is so much crowding that blooming starts to diminish which is why it’s a good idea to divide them every so often. When dividing, discard the oldest rhizomes and replant only the more recent generations to revive your iris beds.

  10. Your hair looks awesome how u did that please hair going up never ever looks good like messy buns don’t look a good messy hehe….I love the black or deep purple flowers..I want the black irises..oh noo..I didn’t get to watch this til today the 19th..too late to order plants it too late to plant them if I get them local?..where’s the other dogs..I only see Bear now

  11. Hi Jess and Miah. I live in Calhoun County about 25 mins from Columbia and am a native South Carolinian. I have been watching you faithfully for a number of years and would love to visit your farm and exchange ideas. My family live on 80 acres here and have 23 chickens and a large organic garden. I am interested in finding out where you got your soil. That has been our biggest challenge in this area.

  12. So, I ordered Iris's from this site on your recommendation as well as due to growing up in Oregon. However, when the bulbs I ordered (violet/white) were replaced with an orange/maroon replacement as well as only getting 1/3 of my order by 20 september, I can say I won't order from them again. I spent over $200 on rhizomes and I could have gotten the same mix from other places for less.

  13. If you don’t go to the post office every day I would recommend at least offering your number to whoever is running it so they can let you know when you have a package

  14. As a Tennessean, I can verify that having Iris and Daffodil (Sometimes called buttercups, although I know that is a different flower). are always found in the yards of generational homes, both older and newer. Love the willow trees, but you have to have a wild dogwood at some point. I have Iris in my yard that are from several generations back, from old homesteads. Can't say how long for sure, I'm part of the 11th generation here.

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